Chapter 36

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**Sarah's POV**

"Seriously, move it. You can do better than that". He laughed as I just glared at him. 
I started walking even slower and He stopped raising an eyebrow at me.

"Don't give that look. It's way too early to be running". I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I told you I was picking you up at seven and I find you sleeping". He said. "Why are you so grumpy?". He looked at me in a teasing way.

"Since You threw water on my face while I was dreaming about Theo James". I said glaring at him as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Well next time, you won't have another Man in your dreams". He said this time glaring at me and I chuckled shaking my head. "Now move it". He took my hand and started running again.

"Not so fast Lucca". I whined. "My legs are still asleep".

He sighed before looking at me. I felt his hands on my waist and He threw me over his shoulder. I yelped as he started walking up again.

"Put me down. People are looking". I said and he just chuckled at me.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?". He asked and I sighed. "Exactly". He added.

"Put me down". I said more sternly slapping his butt. I yelped when He did the same. "Please". I pouted. "This is weird. Put me down". I laughed.

"Well I'm enjoying this". He said touching my butt again. I slapped his back.

"Seriously. We are in public". I laughed. "I will stop complaining. Put me down please". I said and he stopped putting me down.

"Always about cooperation". He said making me roll my eyes.

I pecked his lips and started walking. "But I am not running". I said as he followed me. "I had an idea". I said and he looked at me waiting.
"We can Get married in Las Vegas". I said trying to sound serious but I laughed at the look he gave me.

"Have you lost your mind, woman?". He asked raising his eyebrows.

I laughed. "Or we can just get married. It would  be just the two of us and the preacher". I paused. "I would go home and my parents would ask me where I was and I would tell them I was getting married". I looked at him and he just stared at me.

"Did you hit your head?". He asked as he stopped walking and I laughed.

"It's crazy but a funny idea". I smiled. "My dad would loose it".

"Yes. And have my guts". He smirked.

"He won't do anything". I chuckled. "I think He will just be shocked".

"That's one of the worst idea you've ever had". He chuckled. "And I have a whole list". He said as I playfully glared at him and started walking again.

After some time, I stopped walking. "I'm tired". I frowned and he nodded.

"Let's go". We started walking back.


We came in front of the familiar gates and I sighed. Is it normal that I missed this place.

He parked and we got out. As we made our way to the front door, I felt Lucca's eyes on me the whole time.
He closed the door behind and I quickly went upstairs. I walked in the room and of course, everything was just the same. I went to the closet and all my things were still there.
This is so weird to find everything at its place. It's been like a year.

"You okay?". He asked wrapping arms around my waist. I nodded smiling.
"You wanted to be crazy right?". He asked kissing my neck as I drew my eyebrow together. "Okay". He said and before I knew it He threw me over his shoulder again and started walking out of the room.

"Lucca. What are you doing?". I asked but She just kept walking and went downstairs . He opened the glass door leading to the garden.
What on earth? I gasped when I saw him walking toward the pool.
"Lucca Lombardi. Don't you dare...". He chuckled and jumped in.

I swam back up and He started laughing at my face.

"Oh No. You didn't". I glared.

"Looks like I did". He smirked swimming up to me and pulling me closer to him. "What are you gonna do about it?".

I narrowed my eyes and tried to push him in the water but, of course, it didn't happen. He chuckled and lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Nice try baby". He smirked. "But you're gonna have to try harder than that".

"Oh trust me. I'm patient. You will pay for this". I sighed wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Maybe". He added and I rolled my eyes.

He groaned and started walking out of the pool. I tried to get down but he didn't let me.

"I can walk you know?". I chuckled. He shrugged and put a towel around and walked back inside the house.

He walked back inside the room and put me down smiling. "Go take a shower first". I nodded and walked in the bathroom.

I took a shower and walked out to find the room empty. I shrugged and went to the closet. I sighed and put black leggings on and a black long sleeves shirt after my undergarments.

I walked out and gasped when He lifted me up again. "Stop doing that". I groaned. He chuckled walking in the bathroom and put me on the countertop.

"Keep me company". He said and started undressing himself. My eyes widened and I looked at ceiling blushing hard.

"Oh my god". I said as I Heard him chuckle.

"Come on. There's nothing you haven't seen before". He teased and I blushed harder still looking at the ceiling. He chuckled again and walked up to me. "Want me to remind you all the things I did to you while we were both like this?". He whispered biting my earlobe and my eyes widened even more. I bite my lip hard when he started  trailing kisses down my jawline and neck. "Wait until I Get my hands on you. You will do more than remember".

I'm sure I looked like a tomato right now. Why is He doing this to me?

He chuckled even more and went to take to take his shower. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

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