Chapter 53

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**Sarah's POV**

"You bitch". Was the first thing I heard when I entered Sonia's house.
I chuckled as I saw her walking out of the kitchen glaring at me. I smiled brightly and kissed her cheek.

She just glared at me. "You said you were coming to take him when you're done with whatever you were doing".

"I'm sorry. Things happened". I smiled.

She shook her head. "Whatever. What happened anyways ?". She asked as she walked to the kitchen and I followed her.

"My baby". I smiled putting my purse in the counter and taking Marco in my arms. "I missed you sweetheart". I kissed his cheek.

"He was crying everytime we wanted to sleep, and he stops crying when we keep our eyes open". Sonia said and I chuckled. "He is sadistic". She complained and I chuckled.

"He is an angel, isn't he?". I chuckled and she shook her head smiling.

"What happened last night?". She asked.

"Lucca's mom was feeling really sick and Victor wasn't in town". I lied and she nodded relieved after some time.

"I thought you had a problem. Is she alright now?". She asked seating on a stool.

I nodded.

She's my bestfriend but I can't Tell her everything that's happened in our lives. If it was just about me, I would tell her. But this is also about Lucca's Life and his past. I'm not going to share it with anyone. I'm not obviously not going to let anyone, even my bestfriends, gossip about my husband's Life.
It's not that I don't trust them. I will trust them with everything, but I will not share everything that's happening in my marriage.

"Thanks for watching over him". I said putting him back in the carseat. "Lucca misses him, I'm going to see him". I said and she nodded.

"Let's have lunch tomorrow with Mira". She said and I nodded taking my purse.

"Okay, I'll call you". I said walking out.


"He has been sleeping since we got in the car". I smiled as I pushed the stroller aside.

Lucca sighed. "I hope he will be up soon". He said leaning back.

There was a knock at the office door and a blond girl walked in smiling and straightening her pencil skirt.
I looked at her confused. I've never seen her. Is she new? She looked at me and frowned.

"Um... Hi". She said adjusting her red satin shirt. If she just bend a little bit, we would see her bra.

"Hi". I replied glancing at Lucca.

"Carene, this is my wife Sarah. Baby, Carene is a temp. She's replacing Patrick". He said looking at me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lombardi". She said in a fake sweet tone.

I wish I could say the same, I thought.

I nodded forcing a smile as she turned to Lucca.

"Your brother wanted your permission to give the plans for the new hotel to Simmons". She said giving a folder at Lucca who still had his eyes on me.

"Tell him to give it to Simmons and to go with Samuel". He said looking at her briefly. She looked at the stroller and at a sleeping Marco. Her eyebrows furrowed and she quickly recovered and looked at me again.

She nodded. "Here is my folder with all my informations". She said handing him another document. "I can assure you I'm qualified enough to work for you, Sir, in anyway". She smirked and I raised my eyebrows at the tone she used, I couldn't help but notice the double meaning.

"I'm sure". He said putting the folder on the table. "I'm off for the rest of the day. Don't bother me again". He said dismissing her.

She nodded. "It was Nice to meet you Mrs. Lombardi". She said turning around.

"If you say so". I replied. She walked out closing the door and I glanced at Lucca raising my eyebrows.

"Where is Patrick?". I asked.

"He's off for a couple of weeks". He said sighing . "She is just replacing him".

"Quiet flirty. Is she going to be here for long?". I asked.

"It's Just for a couple of weeks". He quickly said. "She'll maybe be gone by next week".

"Maybe?" I frowned.

"Yes. She's an intern. If I change her, I'll just get someone else and it's gonna complicate things". He said unbuttoning his jacket and standing up.

"Change her". I said standing up and walking up to him as he leant against the table wrapping an arm around my waist. "Why would you want to keep her?". I hesitantly said touching his cheek and he just smiled at me.
I opened the folder she gave him and took the two pictures of her out.
"Why do you always ask for pictures of new employees". I asked frowning at them.
"You don't need the pictures, do you?". I asked before throwing the two pictures of the blond in the garbage beside me.

He chuckled wrapping his other arm around me. "God, I love you so much". He said touching my hair. "Even when you're jealous". He smiled kissing my lips.

"You're going to change her right?". I asked.

"If that makes you feel better, then yes". He smiled and I nodded.
He pressed his lips against mine kissing me softly. I pulled away cupping his face.

"You didn't use a condom last night". I said.

"I know". He smirked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"A chance I'm on pills". I said and it was his turn to narrow his eyes at me.

"I told you not to taking those things". He sighed.

"I don't want to get pregnant now". I said. "Marco is still a baby. He is not even four month yet for gods sake". I added. "I would like to see you carry a baby for nine months".

He just stared at me not answering and I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm not going to take them anymore if you stop trying to trick me". I said running my hand through his hair.

"Fine". He said frustrated. "So w-".

"WIFEY!". A voice cut him off causing Lucca to curse lowly and I chuckled.

"Hello Daniel". I smiled then turned around to face me.

"You know what Lucca? I'm getting tired of you stealing all my wife's attention". He said glaring at Lucca's hands around my waist.

Lucca grabbed the back of my neck before crashing his lips on mine kissing me hungrily.

"Fuck you Lombardi". He said loudly and I could hear amusement clear in his voice. "I'm going back to my office". I heard the door close and I pulled away.

"Thank God". Lucca said.

Marco started making noises and he looked at the stroller.
"Someone's awake". He said quickly walking to him and picking him up.

I chuckled. "You're off for the rest of the day, right?". I asked and he nodded. "Let's go then". I said standing up.

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