Chapter 19

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**Sarah's POV**

It's been two days. He didn't come into the room and I'm glad. Martha has been bringing me food but Will leave again locking the door. She doesn't answer when I'm talking to her. She doesn't even look at me. I don't have my phone so I haven't Heard from anyone.

I can't stay like this. I have to Get the Hell out of here. I went to the walk-in closet and quickly put leggings, long sleeves shirts and cream uggs. I put a gum in my mouth and sat on the bed with my book in hands waiting for Martha to bring my diner.
A couple of minutes later, She walked with a tray.

"Oh, Martha". I said getting out of bed smiling. But She didn't say anything. I discreetly walked toward the door. I took the gum that was in my mouth and put in in the door frame along with a small paper ball. I looked back at Martha to see her still occupied. Good. I smirked at myself and went to seat back on the chair.
She will be able to lock the door but not completly. She will hear the lock noise but I will still be able to Get out.

Once She was done, she left the room again. I waited for five minutes before walking toward the door. I turned the door knob and heard a click making smile big. I will to thank Mira for that. I cautiously walked out of the room and I'm glad to see an empty hallway. I wonder where Lucca is. Not that I care.
I slowly made my way down the stairs as my heart was beating faster by the seconds. I walked past the living room to see It empty. I started walking faster toward the front door. I opened It but It was closed right after by a big hand. My eyes widened as I slowly turned around to face him.

"Where are we going?". He asked darkly. Before I can respond He grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling me toward the stairs.

"Let go of me". I screamed as my eyes started watering. Why the fuck are you crying? Stupid. It hurts like a bitch. "Lucca". I yelled again as He opened the bedroom door. Before I can comprehend, he slapped me hard making my head turn to the side. He yanked my hair again and slapped me on the other cheek making me fall as I let out another cry.

"Stop!". I yelled. "Stop. Why are you doing this?". I cried getting up but He back-handed me making me fall again.
He walked up to me and I felt his hand around my neck tightly and He brought me up to my feet. His grip on my neck tightened.

"Are you gonna behave now?". He asked looking into my eyes. When I didn't answer, his grip tightened.

"Yes! Yes". I said gasping for air. He released me making drop on the floor gasping.

He sighed and kneeled down beside me. "I love you Sarah. I loved for some time. I'm in love with you". He said and I just stared at him. "Don't cry. I don't want to see you cry, baby". He sighed rubbing my cheek making me wince. He ran a hand through his hair and stood up. "I have some work to do. I will be back in a couple of hours". He kissed my cheek and walked out of the door using a pen to take the gum out.

I think I stayed like that for half an hour thinking. This guy is crazy. He loves me? I sighed and off the floor. There's no way I'm staying here. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on the balcona double door. I opened It and walked out. I jumped on the tree and stood there for second without moving. What the fuck? Am I trying to die? I've never done this in my Life. I slowly started climbing down the tree. Oh god. Please don't let me break my leg. I casually walked to the gates, my heart beating fast and my palms sweating.

"Ma'am?". Jake, the guard, said hesitantly. "Are you going out?". He asked

"Yes! I'm going for a walk". I said hoping Lucca didn't tell him anything.

"But, Ma'am. Isn't It a little bit too late?". He asked nervously.

"Oh. Lucca is working. But I can call him if you want". I said and his eyes widen.

"No. It's fine. Have a good walk Ma'am". He said scared.

"Thanks. I won't be long". I smiled as He opened the gates and I walked out almost dancing.

I started walking toward my house thinking about everything. How did we Get to this? He was sweet, and now. I don't even know. I walked for what felt like an eternity until I saw woman hiking with her dog.

"Excuse me?" I yelled running to her. She stopped and turned around to look at me. "Ma'am. Can I use your phone please?". She looked at me and gasped probably because of appearance.

"Oh yes. Of course". She said taking her phone out of her pocket.

I took It and dialed my dad's number. He didn't pick up, then Hannah's and still nothing. My eyes started watering. I need to do something before He finds me. The woman looked at me sympathically. I gave her phone back and thank her before walking away.

I walked again and still nothing. There's no car passing by. Nothing.
I saw a black Nice car parking beside me. And I started walking faster. How did He find me again? I heard the door slam and I started running until I felt an arm around my waist making my heart stop. I was about to scream until He spoke.

"It's me". He said making me sigh in relief. Greg.
I turned around and He looked into my teary eyes. Confusion and worry written all over his face until his examined my face and his eyes landed on my neck. All I can see is anger now. His jaw was clenched as He looked like He was ready to kill. "Who did this to you?". He asked softly trying to control his anger. "Sarah. Did He do It?". He asked and tears started dropping from my eyes uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he hugged me tight.

"I want to go home". I sobbed against his chest. He sighed.

"Come on". He said softly leading me to his car.

The car ride was silent. I didn't even want to speak. I can't believe I already started falling in love with Lucca. What am I going to do? Is He going to look for me?

He parked his car in front of my parents mansion and went to open the door for me. I thanked him and walked out. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we made our way to the front door.
He rang the Bell and Miranda opened It shortly smiling. She gasped when She saw me.

"Oh god!". She gasped her eyes wide pulling me inside the house. "Oh baby. What happened?". She asked staring at my neck in shock.
We walked to the living room and dad came in and looked at me smiling big. But his smile soon vanished when He walked up to us and looked at me with wide eyes. His eyes moved from my teary eyes to my neck. His jaw tightened.

He wrapped his arm around. "Who did this to you?". He asked. "And where is Lucca?". He asked looking around and He begin shaking lightly. My father frose when He looked at Greg. "Oh no". He said. "Did Lucca do this to you?". I nodded and hugged him tighter and I Heard Miranda crying softly.

"Come on sweety". Miranda said walking up to me as I saw her teary eyes. "You are going to take a bath and you Will feel more relax. I know you miss your room. It is still the same". She said wrapping am around me as we made our way upstairs.


After taking a bath, I wore my silk pyjamas. I told Miranda that I was tired and I wasn't hungry so She left my room.
I sighed and looked around. I missed my room. It's so weird to be back.

I Heard a knock at my door and I told the person to come in. Greg walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Are you okay?". He said walking toward me.

"Yeah". I smiled weakly at him. "It's just...". I don't even know how to finish that sentence.

"Fucked up?". He asked raising an eyebrow. I laughed softly and nodded.

"I can't believe I was falling for this man". I said and He looked at me his face turned blank as He turned his head to the balcona door looking outside.

"Don't worry. You Will have your stupid fairytale". He smirked. I smiled. "Maybe". He added getting up and I slapped his back.

"Jerk". I said throwing a pillow at him but He caught It easily. He chuckled and made his way to the door.

"Greg". I called and He stopped. "Thank you". I smiled. He nodded and walked out.

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