Chapter 23

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**Sarah's POV**

After taking a shower, I went in the kitchen to find Theo making diner as usual. Apparently He doesn't trust us for his food so he cooks everyday. But He is good so I don't mind.

"Can I help?". I said walking up to him. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course". He said giving things to do. I'm not a good cook but at least I can help. "You look less depressed than a week ago". He smiled at me.

"Yeah". I sighed. "I would rather be here than with an abusive possessive husband". I smiled weakly. "Everything is just weird. He was sweet, most of the time he was the perfect husband". I shook my head. "I don't know what happened".

"Everything's gonna be fine". He smiled putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Greg won't let anything bad happen to you". He said and I nodded smiling.

"I know". I sighed. "But I don't want him to Get in trouble because of me". I said and He chuckled.

"Trust me. He doesn't give a shit about the president if it is for you". He said and I drew my eyebrow together.

"What do y-". I was cut off by someone walking in the kitchen.

"Sarah". Greg said behind us. He looked at the both of us for a moment. "I need to talk to you". He said. I nodded and followed him out of the kitchen.

We went in his office. I sat on a chair and he sat on the desk in front of me.

"The day You came here, Lucca went at your parents house looking for you". He started and my eyes widened. "And there's problem with your marriage contract".

"What kind of problem?". I looked at him confused.

"You have to be married to him for atleast a year". He said making my heart stop. What?

"What? It's impossible. I saw my father reading the contract the day I was gettting married". I remember it. He didn't want any surprise.

"Apparently he found a way to change it". He sighed running a hand through his hair. I shook my head. Now I'm forced to stay married to him.
Why would he change the contract? Who does that? I realise now how wrong I was about him.

"So What now? Do I have to go back?". I asked and he shook his head.

"No. You don't have to. But it will be better if he doesn't know where you are". He said putting a peace of my hair behind my ear. "Hey". He whispered as he put his finger under my chin and made me look at him. "I will do anything I can to keep you away from him, okay". He said and I nodded whipping my tears away.

"What if he finds this place?". He sniffed.

"I will receive a signal if a car enter the property. Don't worry. There's still a twenty minutes drive before seeing the house". I nodded. "Plus, no one Never comes on this side of the forest". He assured me. But I still can't help but feel anxious. I looked out of the window and It was dark outside. Anyone can be hiding in there. And now I'm being parano.

"Come here". He sighed opening his arms.

I stood up and he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arm around him and sighed. "Thank you Greg". I paused. "I never knew you had a heart". I said sniffing.

He sighed. "Trust me. I'm the first surprised". He said making me laugh lightly.

"Hey guys". Mike yelled barging in. "Oh sorry to interrupt". He smirked and I pulled away from Greg to look at him. "Don't mind me. Continue whatever you were doing". He said walking out.
"THEO, We can start without them. They are too busy giving each other some love". He yelled closing the door making my eyes widen and I laughed. What the fuck?

I looked at Greg and He looked at the door shaking his head. "Why am I still friend with him?".

I chuckled and started walking toward the door. "Come on". I said and we went to the kitchen only to find Mike smirking at us while Theo just shook his head at him. What is wrong with this guy? Did I miss something?

"Don't even start". Greg snapped at him and he just put his hand up in surrender.

Start what? What is going on here?

**Greg's POV**

I glared at Mike daring him to make a stupid comment. He just sat there smirking like a fucking idiot. I know exactly What He and Theo are thinking. Idiots. Thinking I Will talk about my feelings. I don't even have feelings to talk about. So they can go to hell.

"So how did you manage to come?". Sarah asked looking at me as we started eating. "Didn't you have a Man following you?".

"Hannah took my car and I took a different car. It was easy since I live in a building". I said as I remembered seeing the guy following my sister like an idiot. She nodded and sighed eating silently. She seems deep in thought.

I know all of this is bothering her. She doesn't know how to deal with it. But can You blame her? She doesn't deserve all this shit.

**Lucca's POV**

"Sir. We found the car". Carl said nervously walking in.

"Are you sure it is the car he used". I asked standing up quickly.

"Yes sir. It is two hours drive from here". He said and I started walking toward the door.

"If you're wrong". I stopped glaring at him. "You lose your head". I said coldly making him gulp.

I really hope the bastard is not wrong or I will lose my shit. I can't take it anymore. She's gonna regret running away from me, and especially with that bastard.

"What ever You do. Don't kill the Amaro boy". I snapped at my men as they got in their cars. "His head is mine". I said getting in my car.

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