Chapter 37

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**Sarah's POV**

I walked in the living room and Greg looked up at me and sighed.

"I came to apologise again for the other". He ran a hand through his hair. "I just think you are making a big mistake by getting back to him". He said. "Sarah, you do realise that you deserve better, right?". I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"I thought you came to apologise". I sighed. "Listen, I already know what you think, and like I said, you don't need to worry". I said honestly.

"Well I think there's something to worry about". He took a step Closer to me but I took one back.

"How can I forget and make things better with him if you keep reminding of the past". I glared at him.

"Well you shouldn't Forget because it could happen again". He took a step closer and I took one back again. "I'm not saying this because I hate him. I just want the best for you".

"And He will give me his best. That's all I need". I said calmly. "Why are you so bothered by all this?". I asked drawing my eyebrows together.

"Like I said, I think you deserve the best and a Man who is willing to give it to you". He said softly.

"Well I'm a big girl. I can make my own decisions". I smiled but he just stood there looking more frustrated.

"You don't understand. You can't be with him". He said frustrated.

"And Why not? I love him and he loves me". I said louder.

"How can you be so sure about his feelings for you?". He barged.

"I just know". I sighed. He sighed too and mumbled something.

"You just know?". He laughed humourlesly. "Like you knew he would never hit you. Like you knew He wouldn't shot. Like you knew he wouldn't go crazy". He said sarcastically. "The guy who thinks that He has some crazy claim in you? By getting back with him, you just proved him right".

"I am not having this argument with you again". I snapped. "I won't change my mind. So stop".

"You won't change your mind?". He asked raising am eyebrow. "Can't you see that I'm trying to protect you?".

"From what?". I asked loudly.

"From him". He said.

"I think you should go". I said softly turning.

He grabbed my arm and crashed his lips on mine. My eyes were wide and I was shocked. What on earth? I tried to push him off but He didn't move.

I used all my strenght to push him off. Before I can react I looked over his shoulder to find Lucca looking at us shocked. My eyes widened even more and I shook my head.
Then he looked at me, his expression hardened and He clenched his jaw.

"Lucca". I said and before I can react He grabbed Greg by the collar and punched him. I gasped and He punched him again before throwing him against the wall.Greg got up and Lucca started walking up to him again but I stood in front of him.

"NO". I said trying to make distance between him and Greg. "Please. Stop". I said crying. He looked down at me still with his hard expression. "
"Greg. Leave". I cried.

"I won't leave you with him when he's Like that". He shook his head.
Lucca looked at him dangerously and tried to move past me but I grabbed his arm tighter.

I glared at Greg. "I think you've done enough". I said. "Please leave". I looked at him with pleading eyes.

He looked between Lucca and I before sighing and walking out of the door hesitantly.

I looked at Lucca to see him already staring at me. "Luc...". He cut me off.

"That's what it was all about". He said darkly. "He did everything because He has feelings for you". He said. "What happened between you two?".

"Nothing". I said my hold on his arm tightening. "I don't know what....". I stopped not knowing What to say. "Nothing happened". I cried.

"You Like him?". He asked his voice was hard. I shook my head violently.

"No. No". I said quickly. "I... I don't".

"Then What happened in here?". He said taking his arm out of my grip.

"He kissed me". I said and his jaw tightened even more. "But I didn't kiss back. I was just shocked". I said cupping his face.

"What was He doing here?". He asked taking my hands away. I looked at him hurt.

"He... He came to apologise and...". He looked at me confused.

"Apoligise for what?". He asked and his expression didn't soften.

"At my parents marriage, in my father's office, we talked and got into a fight a...and...". I said stuterring at the end. How did I Get myself in this situation?

"You said you went in his office to take your phone". He said darkly.

"I did". I said quickly. "He came to talk to me. But nothing happened". I said taking his hand. "I promise. We just talked". I said crying even more.

He stared at my face for a few seconds before taking his hand out of mine. I looked at him hurt.
He turned around and started walking away. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm tightly.

"Lucca". I said softly.

"Remember that one time we said that cheating will never be part of the mistakes we would make with each other". He asked looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

I nodded quickly. "Yes".

"Good". He said and started walking again but my grip on his arm tightened.

"Lucca, wait. I didn...". He cut me off.

"Sarah". He sighed. "I have to go. I'm already late for a meeting". He said taking his arm out of my grip and walking away.

I stood there frosen as I Heard the front door slam shut.

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