Chapter 48

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**Sarah's POV**

"Hey baby". I cooed at Marco opened his eyes and started making small noises.

"Isn't he going to cry?". Sonia asked frowning and I shook my head.

"He's a good boy". I smiled pulling his blanket down a little. "Well sometimes. Usually he cries in the middle of the night". I said making her chuckle.

"Then who wakes up. You or Lucca?". She asked.

"Well it depends. He does it sometimes". I said taking a sip of my drink.

"He better. He got you pregnant. If he doesn't, you just kick his ass or I will". She said making me chuckle.

"You're crazy. Make sure you remember that when you and Chris have a baby". I said smirking at her.

She shook her head smiling before taking her phone out.

"Well I have to go. My mom is waiting for me". She said and I nodded smiling. "Tell Lucca I said hi". She said smiling and I nodded as she gave me a quick hug. And she walked out of the restaurant.

I sat there waiting for Lucca who, by the way, is late when my phone started ringing. I took it and look at the person before smiling at the name.


"Hello Greg". I said cheerfully.

"Someone missed me". He said in a teasing way. "How are you?".

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm good. Just wanting to check on your annoying ass". He said making me gasp.

"Fuck you. You just miss me. Admit it". I said.

"I never said I didn't".

"How cute". I said teasingly. "That's Nice of you. Sonia just left. She's meeting your mom".

"Yeah. I'm on my way there. She wanted to see us. She wants to spend Time with us she said".

"That's sweet. But that also means that you're driving and talking in the phone". I said and I Heard him his scoff. "So hang up".

"Yes mom". He said making roll my eyes.


"Bye". He said.


I sighed putting my phone on the table. I'm glab we are still friends. He sometimes calls just to check on me.

"Sarah". A familiar voice said. I looked at the person and my heart almost stopped stops when I saw Fernando, Lucca's dad. "Funny to see you here. We haven't been presented properly last time". He said smiling creepily and I just stared at him blankly while I was shaking inside. "I have to say that my son is a lucky man". He said and I just look at him. "I hope he is treating you right".
Where the hell is Lucca?

"I'm happy to see you again". He said smiling a little but I didn't return it. I couldn't. "Can I see my grandson for a moment?". He asked looking on the stroller. I tensed and my grip on it tightened as I pulled it closer to me shaking my head.

He raised his eyebrows looking surprised but I didn't show any emotion.

"Oh come on. Are you forbidding me from seeing my grandson?". He laughed humourlesly giving a weird look. This man is so creepy.

"That is exactly what I am doing". I replied and he just stared at me. "Why exactly are you here?". I said trying to sound confident. "Don't tell me to have a good relationship with Lucca because it's not true. And how did you where we lived?".

He looked a little taken aback but smirked.

"I don't know what you've told about me but you shouldn't believe everything". He said and I sighed. Can't he just leave already?

"Lucca will be here soon". I said looking away from him. "So you should just leave". I said trying to keep my voice even if all I wanted right now was to take my baby and to run out of this place.

"Is there a problem Ma'am?". Carl asked walking to the table and looking at me then at the man.

"No. I think this man was leaving". I said and Fernando shook his head.

"Well I'll see you very soon, Sarah". I almost shivered at the way he said my name. He looked at me one more time before walking out of the place as I let out a sigh of relief.

Carl looked at me with concern. "Are you okay, Ma'am?". He asked and I nodded quickly.

"I'm fine".

I waited for a moment before I saw Lucca walking in and directly making his way to us.

"Hey". He said pecking my lips.

"Hey". I smiled brightly as he turned the stroller toward him. "How was work?". I said as he took Marco out of the stroller.

"I'm tired of it". He said and I shook my head smiling. "But I'm not complaining". he added as Marco started making bubbles with his mouth.

"OH. You Nasthy". I smiled making a face as I wiped his mouth. He made a weird face trying to pull the tissue in his mouth. "No". I smiled pulling it back gently.

Lucca looked at the scene smiling. "I still feel like he is not growing". He said making me roll my eyes.

"Yes he is". I chuckled. " We went to the doctor yesterday. He's growing. He is only three months. Just wait". I said as the waiter came again to take Lucca's order.


"Put these in the drawer, please". He said tossing the keys my ways. I failed catching them and glared at him as he walked to the bathroom chuckling at my face.

I opened the drawer. I tensed and my eyes widened. Lucca walked out of the bathroom and I looked at him, with my eyes still wide. He looked at me then at the drawer and sighed walking to me. I stood as he took the gun out of the drawer. My eyes went as I took a step back falling on the bed. He chuckled looking at me and I glared at him.

"Don't worry. It's empty". He said and I just stared at it. "Don't look at it like that. It's to protect you and Marco. If you have to, don't hesitate to use it". He said looking at me seriously. "Even if it's against me". 

I looked at him shocked. "Are you crazy?". I asked. Where did that come from? "Why would you think like that? Get it out of your head". I said glaring at him.

He shook his head. "You trust me too much". He said putting the gun back in the drawer. "Just don't forget what I said. If I hurt you again or Marco". He said getting on his knees in front of me. "I want you to stop me". He said and I shook my head my eyes started to water.

Why is he talking like this? Why is he thinking like that?

"Promise me". He insisted and I shook my head again fighting my tears. "Look at me. If I hurt you or  Marco, you wouldn't stop me?". He asked and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Lucca stop. Nothing will happen. I trust you". I said and he looked at me intently.

"You trust me. Then you shouldn't worry about that happening. So promise me". He said and I sighed. "Promise me". He said again and I sighed fighting my tears again.

"I promise".

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