Chapter 8

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I showered, then looked at the clothes Rona choose me. It was grey skinny jeans with a red v neck shirt. Just what I needeed. I my clothes on then I didn't if I was going downstairs or just stay here.
After what happened with Lucca, I was kinda scared to see him again.
Our marriage was arranged so does he need to be all possessive over me? I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair then got up and left the room.

I made it down the stairs and started looking around the house. Then I entered the kitchen finding a woman probably in her fifties. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"You must be Sarah" She said smiling again. I just nodded and took a seat on one of the stools.
"I'm Martha, the housekeeper. Lucca told me a lot about you. I'm happy to finally meet you". She said hugging me as I hugged her back.

"It's Nice to meet you too Martha". I said as She pulled and slapped me violently (just kidding :P ).
"But where's Lucca?" I asked.

"In his office sweetie. He said he was working on something important. Come on, take a seat and have breakfast".

I smiled and sat down as we were talking and she said has been working with Lucca for fifteen years now and she was like a second mom to him. We were still talking and laughing. I already like her.

Then we noticed Lucca leaned against a wall with a bottle of water looking at us with a smile. Martha gasped as she saw him. He was wearing dark jeans and a black shirt.

"Martha can I talk to Sarah alone" He said walking toward her and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Of course" she said.
"And start making noises to let us know you're around. You scared us". She said leaving the kitchen as he chuckled lowly then looked at me. He took a seat on a stool next to me then pulled me on his lap. I looked down.

"Look at me". He said and I looked at him. "There's a dinner tonight with some of my business parterns. I want you to come with me". He said pulling me Closer to him.
"Tom, another driver will take you home so you can get ready". He said as I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him. I just looked at him and nodded.

I got up from his laps and start walking away. He slapped my ass making me gasp as I glared at him. He just smirked and winked at me making me blush and I quickly left the kitchen as I hear him chuckle.

"Asshole". I muttered.


I just finished doing my hair and makeup. Then I wore the outfit I picked earlier today. I went downstairs to say goodbye to my parents who weren't hiding their happiness.

"You look beautiful Sarah. Go. Don't make him wait". Miranda hugging me as dad kissed my forehead and I went to the front door and closed it behind me.

I saw Lucca waiting for me. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt on, with no tie. He smiled at me before opening the car door for me. I thank him before getting inside.

The car ride was silent. None of us dared to break it.
We got There and he grabbed my waist as we were making our way inside. We went to a table where there were 3 men and 2 woman. We greeted them and Lucca did the presentation.
There was Jonh, Jake, Larry, Maria and Carli. I smiled at them before taking a seat with Lucca. Jonh and Maria were married and she was pregnant. She was beside me so we started talking but Carli seemed more interested in men's conversation about business.

"You are so beautiful". Maria said smiling at me.

"Thank you. So are you. Pregnancy suits you". I smiled back.

"You will look even better. I'll make sure of it". Lucca whispered in my ear making me blush. He smiled at me before pecking my lips and getting back to his talk.

I turned to look at Maria to see her smiling again.
"How old are you?" She asked turning everyone's attention on me.

"I'm twenty-two". I said confidently making Carli raise her eyebrow and looking at Lucca.

"She's way younger then Samantha.". She said looking at Lucca.

"No she's not. Jonh is twenty years older than me and there's no problem." Maria said rolling her eyes at her.

'"I still think she's too young". Carli said glaring at me. I looked at her not showing any emotion.


"And really beautiful may I add". Jake said smiling at me. I smiled back politely.

"Yeah. Good job Lombardi". Larry add making me want to roll my eyes.
He's talking like I'm a trophy or something.

I felt Lucca's hand on my thigh. I put my hand on his and he smiled down at me.

The rest of the dinner went pretty and we were currently in the car. I exchange number with Maria so we can hang out sometimes.

"Sarah, I have business meeting in Paris, Lisbonne and Athen so I will be gone for a couple of days ok?" He said making me look at him furrowing my eyebrows.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night". He said at me. And he's just telling me now? I mentally scoffed.
Why do I even care?

"I'm sorry. I know I should have told you earlier". He said pulling me on his laps.

I just shrugged my shoulders. He cupped my face in his hands and crashed his lips on mine. And I kissed back.

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