Chapter 32

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**Greg's POV**

"She was pregnant and you killed your child". I snapped as He stared at me blankly. "She deserves to be happy".
I couldn't even read his facial expression.
"She wants to believe you're changing but she's hurt".

He stared at me blankly, his face emotionless.
"Did you come all the way here just to tell me this?". He asked as his voice went darker.
"Get out". He snapped. "Get out". He said louder.

I sighed and walked out of the room before someone realised. They didn't want me in. Only family and people He choose himself are allowed in apparently.

Sarah deserves better. This guy was only going to hurt her even more. I hope that what I told him would make him think. He is No good for her.

**Sarah's POV**

I knocked and walked in the room.

"Lucca". I called closing the door. I turned around to see him staring out of the window. "Lucca?". I called again but he didn't answer.
I looked at him confused and walked up to him. I put my hand on his back but he tensed.

"Lucca. Are you ok?". I asked walking in front of him. "Lucca". I put my hand on his chest and He looked at me making me gasp. His eyes were dark, darker than the other day and I couldn't help but be worried. "What's wrong?". I asked trying to Sound calm.

"Why didn't you tell me?". He asked. I looked at him confused.

"Tell you what?". I asked my voice shaking. "I... I don't understand". He looked down but I cupped his face. "Lucca talk to me".

"You were pregnant". He said his eyes growing darker. I looked at him shocked as my eyes begin to water. How does He know that?. "Why didn't you Tell me?".

"I was going to tell you". I said making him look at me. "I was just waiting for the right Time".

"Why are you here?". He asked.

"Luc...". But He cut me off.

"I killed my own child". He whispered looking back at the window. "I'm worst than him". He said softly. Him? Who...

Realisation hit me as I shook my head violently tears dropping. "No. You're nothing like him". I said taking his hand and making him sit on the bed. I stood in between his legs and made him look at me. "You are a good person Lucca. What happened that night was an accident and you didn't shoot me". I said with teary eyes. "I was holding the gun too". I said and He shook his head.

"You hate me, don't you?". He asked with a broken voice. I shook my head again.

"No. No, I don't. I would never hate you Lucca". I said as his eyes begin to water and my eyes widen.

"I didn't mean it". He said looking into my eyes. "I'm making you cry again". He pulled me Closer putting his face into the crook of my neck. "I didn't mean it. Don't hate me". He whispered. "Please". I felt his tears on my neck.

"Please stop". I wrapped my arms around him. "I don't hate you. I wasn't your fault". I said but He was still tensed.
"Lucca, I love you". I whispered in his ear. "I could never hate you". I pulled away looking into his eyes. I whipped his tears away. I can't handle seeing him like this. I tried taking a step back but He pulled me.

"Stay with me". He said hugging me again. "Please". He whispered. "I love you". He whispered his voice Breaking at the end. "Don't hate me. Please".

He was doing so good. What happened? I couldn't help but feel anger thinking about that one person who would tell him.


I walked in his office and He looked at me confused. I glared at him and walked up to him.

"You told him". I said still glaring at him.

"He told you that?". Greg asked raising an eyebrow.

"He didn't need to Tell me anything". I snapped. "I know it's you". I looked at him as I could feel angry tears dropping. "What would you do that?". I said louder pushing on his chest roughly.

"He needed to know". He said and I ball my fists fighting the urge to slap him.

"It wasn't your place to do so". I snapped. I looked at him in disgust. "Why?".

"Because he will hurt you even more. You want to believe He is changing but...". I cut him off.

"You're a coward". I snapped. "Why would you hit a Man when he's down?". He looked at me shocked. "Don't you dare look at me that way?". I snapped. "You're a coward". I said again and starting to walk toward the door but He grabbed my arm.

"I was just trying to help you". He said looking frustrated. "He is no good for you. He Will hurt you again".

"Help me?". I laughed humourlesly. "By attacking him at his weakest moments". I shook my head and took my arm out his grip. "And I definitly don't need your help". I said turning around.

"He killed your child". He said loudly. "How can you forgive". He snapped.

"He didn't shoot me. The gun went off accidently and I was holding the gun too". I snapped back. "You had No right to do that. It was OUR baby. So You have No business in this". I said wiping more tears angrily.

"Sarah, listen. I'm sorry". He sighed. "I didn't want to hurt you".

"Well you hurt me by hurting him". I said wiping my tears and walking out of the door.

I walked out of his building and got in my car. I rested my head on the steering wheel. He was doing so good. He looked so broken when I left his room. I wiped my tears and started the car.

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