Chapter 6

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Lucca's POV

I looked at Samantha coldly. What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
She is testing my patience and she knows how short tempered I am. But I seriously don't have Time for drama.

"Listen Samantha. We don't have time for this". I said grabbing Sarah's waist and turning around again.

"Just know Lucca doesn't want a teenager for a wife. He will never take your marriage seriously". She said as we were walking away.

I rolled my eyes then we reached out table and I pulled a chair for sarah.
She sat down silently. She looked deep in thought. That woman just had to ruin the night with her presence.

I shook my head and turned my gaze to Sarah. I could feel many fuckers eyes on her.
I just want to kill each one of them.
I can't blame them though. She is beautiful. Her long black hair, her dark grey eyes, her plump lips, her perfect body. I like the fact that she is not skinny like models. She got the perfect body with curves just in the right place, the perfect hourglass figure and it looks like she works out a lot.
She's stunning. But fuck all of them because She's mine.
I don't like the way they are looking at her. Can't they just focus on their dates.
And she doesn't even notice it. Which drives me completely crazy.
What the Hell is wrong with me? I have never been this possessive and easily jealous. Not even with Samantha. I looked at her sighing. What is she doing to me?


Sarah's POV

The event was over so we were in the car heading home. I was still thinking about Lucca's ex wife.
They have been married for 5 years. Why aren't they together anymore?
Was it an arranged marriage too? Does Lucca still love her?
So many questions on my mind right now.

"What are you thinking about? I hope not about Samantha?" Lucca said looking at me.

So her name is Samantha. I sighed and lowered my gaze. He sighed before putting his hand on my cheek and turning my head to meet his gaze.

"Don't believe anything she said. We have been married for years but she doesn't know anything about me".He said looking into my eyes.

"Why aren't you together anymore?" I asked.

"She has been cheating on me for 2years. She wanted the divorce so she could leave with this guy. Then she got pregnant and He left her. Then she came back to me claiming it was my baby. Of course it wasn't, then she had an abortion". He finished as my eyes widened.

He just smiled "But I'm not worried about her anymore". He said.
"The only thing that has been on my mind for the past few days is you". He said looking into my eyes making me blush as I lowered my head.

In a Matter of seconds, He picked my head up and crashes his lips on mine.
I was Shocked at first and didn't react until I felt him tightened his grip on my sides. I gasp and Start kissing back. Butterflies irrupted in my stomach.
What is wrong with me? I
didn't want to but it just felt so right. He pulled even Closer by my waist and begged for entrance. Soon enough our tongues were fighting for dominance. I felt him lift my dress. His hand was now on my thigh as He pull me on his lap. He Start kissing my neck . A moan escaped from my mouth and that's when I came back to reality. I pushed him away slowly and start blushing. What just happened?

I tried to get off his lap but He didn't let me.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done here" He said making me blush harder. Is He trying to kill me or something?
Just then the car stopped. Thank god, I'm home.

"Umh Lucca. We are at my house." I said still blushing.

"Do you have plans tomorrow?" He asked ignoring my statement.

"Not really. I was planning on going for a run at the canyon". I said trying to get off his lap again but He still wouldn't let me.

"Do you usually go there?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. 2 or 3 Times a week. I love it". I said looking at me. 

"Well. I usually go there to. I Will be waiting for you there at 8. I Will Tell my driver to pick you up" He said pecking my lips.

I raised my eyebrow and nodded and getting out of the car. I got in my house then I realised something.

HE KISSED ME !!! I Start screaming and jumping up and down. I ran to my room smiling like an idiot.

Well someone is having a crush.

Sarah's enguagement ring on the side.

Forced marriage (Lombardi family book#1)Where stories live. Discover now