Chapter 34

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**Sarah's POV**

"Sarah". Nora called walking in my room. "There's someone downstairs for you". She said smiling.

"Okay". I said following her. I walk down the stairs and went to the living room.
"Greg". I smiled walking inside. He turned around and smiled back. I walked up to him and have him a hug. "I'm happy to see you". I pulled away.

"Me too. Listen, I'm trully sorry Sarah. I was wrong". He sighed. "You're right. It wasn't my place to Tell him about it". He said sincerely.

"It's okay". I smiled. "I'm sorry too for what I said the other day". I apologised and He shook his head.

"You were right. I acted like a coward". He smiled lightly. "But I promise I won't do anything like that again".

"Thank you". I said.

"How is your father thinking about it". He asked.

"My dad is giving him a second chance". I said sitting on the couch and He followed. He looked shocked. "I know". I laughed lightly.

"And you convinced him. By yourself?". He asked still shocked and I nodded. "Well, I'm happy for you". He said smiling.

"We are seeing him today and I am litterally freaking out". I sighed and He laughed.

"Everything's gonna be fine". He sighed.

"I surely hope so". I sighed.


I walked in his room to find Lorena with him.
"Sarah". Lorena smiled big and walked up to me to give me a tight hug. I looked at Lucca and we smiled at each other.

"Miranda". Lorena said pulling away and hugged my mom too and started talking.

I turned to see my dad and Lucca staring at each other akwardly. My dad nodded toward the door and Lucca followed him outside. I looked at now closed door with a worried expression.

"Don't worry dear". Lorena wrapped a comforting arm around me. "Everything's gonna be fine". I nodded still looking at the door.

**No one's POV**

"I can see that my daughter loves you pretty much". Joseph begin. "I'm not gonna lie, it scares me". He sighed. "But I'm haven't been the perfect husband. So it is not my place to judge you. But she's my daughter and I want the best for her". Lucca nodded. "I know you've had a hard life and She believed in you". He paused sitting at a table. Lucca mimicked him.
"But do you love her?". He asked.

"More than anything". He looked down. "I don't know Why she's still here after everything but There's no way I'm relapsing". He sighed. "She's my only motivation. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her". He sighed again. "Words aren't enough to tell you how much She means to me". He put his face in my hands. "I hate love speeches".

Joseph put a hand on his shoulder and smiled."I'm just like you. I hate talking about how I feel but you can show it. To her". He sighed as Lucca looked at him. "Trust me. I can see it. I can see how much you love her. So you have my blessing". Lucca looked at him confused. Joseph chuckled. "Do whatever you think is right. You have my blessing".

**Sarah's POV**

I'm glad that Lucca and my dad got along so well. They walked in the room smiling making me look at them. Well I never thought my dad will go this easy. But I'm glad.

"Well we're going to leave". My dad announced. "Sarah, you can stay if you want but you will have to drive us home then come back because I don't feel like driving". He smiled. I gave him a 'really' look. He chuckled and nodded. "I hope to see you soon". He smiled at Lucca and Lorena and they nodded.
Miranda hugged Lorena and Lucca before walking out with my dad.

"Sarah". My father called and I playfully rolled my eyes. I turned to Lucca to see him already staring at me.

"I'll be right back". I said and He smirked at me nodding. I took the Keys and walked out.


"So what did you talk about?". I asked as I started driving.

"Nothing you should be worried about". My dad grimned and I groaned. He chuckled shaking his head.

"But I want to know". I whined.

"And you will". I sighed. "Maybe". He added making me groan.

After dropping my parents, I drove back to the hospital.
I walked in his room to see it dark. "Lucca". I called but No answer. "Lucca". I called again turning the lights on but He wasn't in here. Where the hell is he?

"Sarah". I turned to see the doctor Garido. "It's Nice to see you again". He smiled.

"You too". I smiled back. "But where is Lucca?". I asked.

"Oh. He is in the big balcona at the end of the hall". He smiled. I nodded and walked out.

I opened the glass door and gasped. My jaw dropped. Oh. My. God.
On the floor were candles and written with roses petals was 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?'. What on earth? Oh. My. God. Is that...

"Sarah". I turned around to find a grinning Lucca. I drew my eyebrows together still shocked.

"Lucca. Wh...". He cut me off.

"I love You. I have been the worst husband. I know that. I hurt you and broke you. But I want to make things right. I don't want an arranged marriage. That was fucked up. I want you to marry me because you want to. I am not a romantic. I have a fucked up temper. I'm very bad with words. But give me another chance, and I will love you every day, in every way possible. You are the only reason I'm here. The only reason I want to be a better person. Your opinion on me is more important than anything". He paused and stared at my watery eyes.
"Sarah. I love you". He said getting on his knee. "Will you marry me?". He asked and I got on my knees and hugged him crying again.

"Is that a yes?". He asked nervously.

"Oh sorry". I laughed pulling away. "Yes". I said as He slided the ring on my finger and wiped my tears.

"I promise that you won't regret it". He smiled kissing my hand and pulling me up.

"I know". I smiled and felt his lips on mine. I kissed back as he wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss.

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