Chapter 42

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**Sarah's POV**

"Seriously. I feel huge". I said and Lucca chuckled fixing his tie. "Huge and very pregnant". I added.

"Just wait. A couple of days and he's out". He smiled kissing my belly. I nodded and sighed.

"I'm scared". I sighed and he looked at me worried.

"Why?". He asked softly looking into my eyes. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I have been feeling like this for some time". I said lowering my gaze. "I  don't know". I sighed again. "It's just weird".

"You shouldn't be". He smiled kissing my cheek. "I'll be there". He kissed my neck. "And your parents too". He said and I nodded.

"I know". I said softly. But the uneasiness was still there.

"I had another doctor to take care of your delivery". He said and I looked at him confused. "A woman".

"What about the doctor Clarck? He has been working for my family for years". I said and He glared at me.

"I don't want a man sitting between your legs or seeing what's going on in there". He snapped and I looked at him horrified

"You're crazy". I laughed. "I'm not even gonna argue with you because I know I will lose". I said and He nodded kissing my forehead.

"I have to go now. My meeting starts in an hour". He said and I frowned. "I will be back as soon as it's done". He said and I nodded. "Call me if you need anything". He kissed me then walked out of the door.

I started watching a movie. But was bored half way through.
I have been thinking about Samantha since I saw two months ago. I haven't seen her again and I'm glad. She freaked me out the other time. So I need to relax. What can she do to me now?

I sighed and got up walking to the kitchen. I turned the light on and walked to fridge. I was half way through when the light turned off. I stopped confused and turned back only to have something put over my head.


**Lucca's POV**

I got in my car after the meeting and I received a message saying that there's nothing new about Samantha. They don't even know where she is. It's been two months since Sarah saw her. And I know she has been worried because of that. I can see it even if she doesn't want me to worry.

I parked my car in front of the mansion and got out.

I walked inside the house calling Sarah's name but nothing. I sighed and made my way to the room but she wasn't there.

"Sarah". I called but nothing.

Confusion overcame as I walked to the living room, the kitchen, the garden. Still nothing. It's already night. Where the fuck is she?

I took my phone out and called her, her phone started ringing but it was in living room on the couch. What the fuck?

I started panicking and called Martha but realised she had her day off.

I walked out of the house. "Carl". I called and he ran to me. He is here??? Then where the fuck is my wife?

"Where is my wife?". I asked and he looked confused.

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