Chapter 49

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"Wifey". Daniel said cheerfully running up to me. He took my hand and kissed the top before Lucca smacked the back of his head glaring at him.

"What the fuck!?". He exclaimed glaring at Lucca. "I'm trying to be a good husband". He said defensively.

"Go find your own damn woman". Lucca snapped as I stood up.

"Language". I sighed.

"You look beautiful wifey". He smiled before quickly running behind before Lucca can smack him again.

"Stop it you two". I said chuckling. "Marco is sleeping". I said.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house anyways?". Lucca asked glaring at him.

"I came to see my wife and my son. Is that okay?". Daniel said smirking.

"Asshole". Lucca muttered taking and pulling me beside him. "Anyways. What did you find about Fernando?". He asked as Daniel changed his expression into a serious one.
With that face, you would never guess how playful He really is.

"For years He has been working in shop in italy. He came here two weeks ago. We don't know who he knows here or how he knew about you, but I know he has someone here". He explained seriously. "He has been in jail for ten years and has been released five years ago". He continued. "He didn't get married again and no children". He said sighing. "After you and your mother left, he went to the police saying you were missing but that was before your dad found a way to get the divorce for your mom and changed your last name into Lombardi. It just got harder for Fernando to find you". He stopped. "Until now". He added making Lucca sigh.

"Well there's nothing he can do. I'm not scared of him. I'm not a kid anymore. If he tries to hurt my family, there's no doubt that he will be a dead man. But I'll make sure his death is slow and painful". Lucca said coldly. His voice sending shivers down my spine.

He pulled his phone out. "Come here". He said then hung up. I frowned as the front opened and closed and Carl walked. My frown deepened when Daniel gave him a picture.
Carl looked at me and I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Have you seen this man this past few days?". Lucca asked making my heart skip a beat.
The restaurant! Fuck, I forgot to tell him about it. Oh my god.

Carl looked at the picture then glanced at me again too fast for anyone to notice.

"You don't know how lucky you are to still have those eyes". Lucca snapped at him. "I ask to fucking answer instead of looking at my wife all the damn time". He said harshly and I bit my lip. Of course he would see it.

"Y... Yes sir. I... I'm sorry. He was at the restaurant the other day. He was talking to ma'am before you came". He said making Lucca turn his gaze toward me giving me a hard look before he looked back at Carl.

"Did he try anything?". He asked in a calm voice, which was anything but good.

"No sir. They just talked and he left after I came". He said trying not to look intimidated by Lucca.

"I don't want him anywhere near her again. You will have Leo with you from now on, since you can't seem to do the job on your own". He snapped.

"Lucca, don't be like that. It's my fault and he didn't know". I said softly making him turn his glare toward me. I sighed and looked at Daniel who still has his serious expression on. I have him a pleading look and he nodded slowly standing up.

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