Chapter 22

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**Greg's POV**

"Apparently she is forced to stay married to him for atleast a year". Joseph's lawyer explained. "But, like You noticed Greg, she is not forced to stay in his house". I finished making me sigh.

Joseph shook his head. "I think it would be better if He doesn't know where she is at all. She will stay where She is until we find a solution". He sighed lowering his head. "What have I done?". He looked ashamed. "What have I done?". He whispered to himself and I felt bad. He has been like this since Lucca's visit. He feels guilty.

Sonia wanted to go to her but I didn't let her. And She finally admitted I was right.

**Lucca's POV**

"Did you find her?". I asked one of my men as He walked in. He shook his head.

"No sir. Still nothing". I groaned and stood up pacing.

"Did you follow the Amaro boy?". I asked clenching my jaw.

"Yes sir. But there's nothing". He said nervously. "Looks like He doesn't have anything to do with this". He gulped. That son of a bitch.

"Don't stop. Find her". I dismissed him.

I'm going crazy. Where the fuck is She? I still don't understand Why She ran away. I did everything I could to make her happy. She can't just run away everytime I Get angry. That's part of marriage, right? We fight then we make up. But She is acting like a spoiled girl.
I need her back.
What if she's with a man? Just the thought makes me want to kill someone. Did She really leave me for another man? I groaned and threw a vase against the wall. Who ever that Man is. He is dead when I Get my hands on him. Sarah is mine. And I will everyone know. Starting with that Amaro boy. I'll never let her go. And I Will find her, at any cost.

**Sarah's POV**

Mike sat at the end of the bed looking at me amused while I just glared at him.
It's been a week and I've been stuck with him and Theo, who is more calm than this clown. He brought many of my clothes. I don't even know how He got them. Theo acts like the adult He is. But I can't believe Mike is twenty eight but He is still funny.

"Are you gonna talk to me, now. It's been a week and I don't know What your voice sounds like". He smirked and I just kept reading my book. "I saved you from your psycho husband. You should thank me". He smiled. "You read alot". He said pointing at my book. "What is it about?". He asked. "I know I scared you. But we did It for your own good. We didn't want you to know where we were. And we made you sleep because we didn't want you to have a panick attack". He sighed. "Greg didn't know about the sleeping part". He added.

I was trying my best not to smile. For the past few days He has been trying to make me talk to him. He is a Nice guy, I can tell but He talks alot.

"Okay. Are you gonna read out loud so I can enjoy the story too?". He asked.

"Will you just shut up?". I said laughing. This guy is something else.

"And She talks". He cheered. "Theo". He yelled. "She talked". He yelled louder making my eyes widen.

Soon the door opened and Theo walked in. He looked at Mike then at me raising an eyebrow.

"Talk". He demanded when his eyes moved to me. I couldn't help but look at them like They are crazy. He glared at Mike. "She didn't. Why were you fucking waisting my Time". He snapped.

"She talked okay". He glared back. "You should have been here".

"Okay both of you shut up". I snapped. Theo looks at me curiously.

"She talks". He stated. "Sorry. I thought you were mute". He said sitting down.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "No. I was just angry". I sighed closing my book. "Where is Greg? Why isn't He here?". I asked.

"He will come as soon as He gets rid of the guy your husband sent to follow him". Theo sighed. I winced at that. Is Lucca really having my family followed? "But I Will be leaving tomorrow. I have to do. So You Will be stuck with him". He said looking at Mike then at me with fake sympathy.

I shook my head. They have been fighting alot since I'm here.

"Why don't we Get out of this room". I suggested making Mike smile big.

"Finally! Let's go to the lake". He grabbed my hand and we walked out. I looked at him confused. Lake?

"There's a lake near the house but You were to busy being mad to notice". He stated and I glared at him.

We walked outside and there was a lake but the poperty was surrounded by the forest. This is scary but it was beautiful.

"Does The house belong to Greg?". I asked out of Curiosity and He nodded. Wow.

"Greg comes here when He wants to be alone. He is weird". He grimaced. "Who the Hell wants to be alone, and especially in this place?". I laughed at his face. "No seriously. It is far from everything. That's why your husband will have to work his ass off if He wants to find this shit". I rolled my eyes.

He suddenly wrapped his arm around my stomach and Theo grabbed legs and They started running toward the water.

"Guys!". I screamed panicked. "I have my clothes on so don't you dare...". Before I can finish the sentence I was thrown inside the water. And They jumped too laughing at my face. I glared at them and we started swimming and playing around.
It was already getting dark outside.

"Am I interrupting something?". A voice said as I was pushing Theo in the water. I looked at the person and smiled big.

"Greg!". I screamed happily getting out of the water.

"The love comes and friends are left behind". Mike teased as I looked at him confused still walking out. What on earth is He talking about?

I ran up to him and hugged not Caring that my clothes were wet and He was wearing probably an expensive suit.
He hugged back and buried his head in the crook of neck mumbling something.
I pulled away and smiled before I remembered what brought me here so I glared at him and hit him hard.

"How could You do this to me?". I yelled hitting him again. "I was scared to death when Mike and his stupid employes took me away. Why didn't You warn me?". I hit him again hard but He looks like he wasn't even affected.

"Sarah-". He sighed but I cut him off.

"Shut up. I thought You betrayed me". I snapped. "I thought You were going to give me back to him". I said calming down.

"Why would I do something like that?". He asked harshly. "I asked you if you trusted me and You said yes". He ran a hand through his hair. "Why would I give You back to that psycho?".

"Well a warning would have been good". I said. He sighed and looked at me before taking his suit jacket off.

"Come on. You will Get sick if You stay here". He said wrapping It around as we made our way back to the house. I noticed Mike and Theo weren't in the lake anymore.
"I'm sorry". He said softly wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walked inside the house.

I smiled at him and nodded before making my way up the stairs to take a shower.

**Lucca's POV**

"S... Sir. W... We've lost h... him". He said stuterring.

"WHAT!?". I roared. "How the fuck did You lose him?". I yelled standing walking toward him and grabbed him by the collar.

"Carl. Did... Didn't know He had different car. He took a d... different one and his s... sister took his usual car s... sir". He gulped and started shaking.

"So He followed a goddamn woman while that son of a bitch is probably with my wife". I punched him and threw him against the wall.

That son of a bitch. I knew He had my wife. He is going to pay for it. No one takes what's mine.

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