Chapter 54

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After dropping Marco at my mom's house, I went to the place I had to meet Mira and Sonia. I sighed parking my car and went in.
I knew Sonia and Mira weren't here yet so I went to the bar and ordered a juice while waiting.

"Hi". Said an unfamiliar male voice behind me. I turned to see a blond guy looking down at me.

"Hi". I said politely facing the front once again.

"Are you alone here?". He asked seating on a the stool next to me. "I'm Nathan". He said taking his hand out.
I raised my eyebrows at him but shook his hands before looking at the front again.
"What's your name?". He asked smirking at me.


"Well Sarah. What are you doing here alone?". He asked calling the bartender.

"Waiting for my friends". I said.

"So you won't mind me keeping you company until then?". He asked me as I sighed shaking my head. "Since your friends will be here soon, I don't have much time". He said and I raised looked at him questioningly. Time for what?
"How would you feel about going out with me sometimes?". He asked.

"I'm married". I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Is that so?". He asked raising an eyebrow and I nodded.

"So just as friends then?". He asked again.

I looked at him raising an eyebrow. "Are you always this persistent!". I asked.
"And I doubt my husband will approve".

"Do you always do what he tells you?". He asked teasingly.

"Do you always hit on married woman?". I shrugged and he chuckled.
"You Can drop it. My friends are here". I said standing up as Sonia and Mira walked up to me.

"Hey". They said hugging me before looking at Nathan.

"Hey". I said smiling.

"Come on. Our table is ready". Sonia said.

I turned to Nathan who had his eyes on me. "Bye". I said grabbing my purse.

He took my wrist. "Can I atleast get your number?".

I shook my head pulling my wrist away. "No". I simply said before following the girls.

My number. I scoffed silently. Does he have a death wish? Lucca would snap.

"Who was that guy?". Mira asked when we took out seats.

"He wanted me to go out with him". I sighed and Sonia raised her eyebrows as Mira started laughing.

"The guy doesn't value his life". She laughed and I rolled my eyes smiling. "He even asked your number?".

"Does he know you're married". Sonia asked and I nodded.

"I told him".

"Well maybe just as friends". Mira shrugged smirking at me and I glared at her. "I'm just kidding". She chuckled. I rolled my eyes and we ordered.

"Where's Marco?". Sonia frowned.

"At my mom's. You know how obsessed she is". I said. "And don't You dare frown. I left you with him for one night and he completely lost it". I laughed and she glared at me.

Forced marriage (Lombardi family book#1)Where stories live. Discover now