Chapter 11

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Sarah's POV

We just got in Lucca's private jet and I still don't know where we are going. I changed into jeans and a v neck shirt before leaving. I sat in front of him and looked outside as I was so nervous about the all honeymoon thing. I don't know what to do.
Did he expect anything from me?

I was nervous. We always had the same rule. One of the things my mom thought is that we weren't to have sexual relationship with a guy before marriage.
Even after my mom, Miranda has always been pretty clear with it.
Reason why I never wanted a boyfriend. I didn't want to be tempted at a young age.
Sandra and I never complained about that tough, because we believed that's what was right and that's what we believed in.

I looked at Lucca to see him already staring at me.

"You look tired. Why don't you go take a rest. There's a bedroom on the back". He said as I nodded and got up.

I got in the room and looked around. It was elegant yet simple. I laid down and fell asleep staring at my ring.
I can't believe that I am Mrs. Lombardi. I closed my eyes, with a smile playing on my lips.

When I woke up, I felt an arm around me and my back was against his hard chest. I tried to move away but his grip only tightened. I tried again but failed.

"Where do you think you're going?". He ask in his raspy voice.

"I... I w...was just trying to get up".

Why the Hell was I talking like that?
It's maybe the promixity. Being so close to him makes me nervous. He chuckled and turned me around so I was facing him with his arm still around me.

"Are you scared of me baby?". He ask lowly biting my earlobe and kissing my neck making my heart beat faster.

"I need to use the restroom". I said quickly getting up and running to the bathroom making him chuckle.

I sighed closing the door behind.


We finally landed and I know now we were on an Island but I dont know which one because it was already dark outside.

"We are in bora bora". Lucca said as soon as we got in the car and he saw my confused look.

"Oh my god!". I said excitedly. I have never been here. I heard how beautiful it was.

The car ride was silent but comfortable. We got in the hotel and went to our suit. It was so big and beautiful. Big glass wall in the bedroom and the living-room giving us a perfect view of the beach.

It was beautiful.

"Do you like it?". Lucca ask as I could feel him close to me.

"I love it". I said excitedly and turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Thank you". I said smiling at him.

"My pleasure". He said pulling me closer and crashed on mine. I kissed back.
The kiss soon became heated when he pushed his tongue in my tongue.
I was getting hotter by the seconds but I didn't want to stop. I felt his hands travel to my butt and squeezed it making me gasp.
He lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and I felt him moving.
I sighed when I felt the soft bed against my back.
He laid me on the bed not breaking the kiss. I felt his hands travel under my shirt and cupped my breast. He broke the kiss to take off his shirt and I couldn't help but stare.

"You sure you wanna do this". He asked looking down at me.

"Yes". I nodded and he took my shirt off and he started kissing my neck and down to my breasts.

He is my husband so There is nothing wrong with it. Right?

"Have you done it before?". He asked as I shook my head blushing hard. He smiled down at me.
"Good. I will be gentle. I promise". He said kissing me gently.


I woke up the next morning feeling weird. But most importantly I was woken up by kisses on neck and shoulders. I moaned lightly and shivered a little when he pushed some hair off my neck.

"Good morning baby". He whispered in my ear making blush hard thinking about last night. I am not a virgin anymore. I can't believe this.

"What are you thinking about making you blush this hard?". He smirked turning me around. He looked at me smiling.
"You are so beautiful". He said making me blush again and I hide my face on his chest making him laugh lowly.
"Are you ok?". He ask and I nodded my head. He laid on his back and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me Closer to him. "Do you wanna go eat breakfast in the restaurant near the beach or just take it here?". He ask.

"No lets go out". I said.

"So she speaks when it comes to food". He smirk at me as I laugh lowly.
He chuckled and got up. I looked at him and realised he was naked. I gasped and got under the sheets. I heard him laugh.

"Come on. There is nothing you haven't seen before". He said laughing making me blush once again.
"Okay. I'm not naked anymore". He said.

I slowly got from under the sheets to see that he had his boxers on. Thank god.

I got out of bed covering myself with the sheets. When I tried to get up I felt pain on my legs making me seat back down.

"Are you okay?". He asked coming by my side. I just nodded and he helped me up.

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