Chapter 27 (part 2)

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**Sarah's POV**

"I'm sorry for everything that's happening to you. Everything's gonna be fine now". He whispered at me again. I smiled weakly and Greg pulled away smiling down at me.

"Sir, are you the man sent by Mr. Dantes to give me a copy of the original marriage contract?". The judge asked. Greg nodded and gave it to him.

He sighed and smiled at me before walking out of the office.

I turned back whipping my tears to see Lucca glaring at the door.
"Umh... Are you ready to sign now?". The judge said hesitantly. I nodded.
I took the pen again and signed with trembling hands. I didn't want this to happen but I'm not alone anymore. I have to think about my child.

The judge nodded and gave it up to Lucca who had his jaw clenched looking furious. He took the pen and looked hesitant. It looked like he was debating with himself. He finally started signing very slowly. Once He was done. He threw the pen away rubbing his temple.

"Well thank you". The judge said softly and walked out of the room. Is he really leaving me here? With him?

I quickly took my purse and got up. I almost made it until He grabbed my arm. "Sarah, we need to talk".

"There's nothing to talk about". I sighed. "Please let go of me". I said trying to release my arm. But He only tightened his grip.

"Sarah, listen to me, damn it". He said getting frustrated as his grip tightened even more making me wince.

"Lucca, you're hurting me. Let go". I said louder and He was roughly shoved off me. I looked up to see Greg glaring at him.

"You were married to her and that's Why the only thing I could do was take her away". He snapped. "But there's nothing linking her to you anymore, so touch her again and I will make you feel real pain". He glared at Lucca.

My eyes widened. Did He just threaten him? I've never seen him like this. He is always so calm and collected.
He grabbed my waist softly and we walked out as I could see Lucca fighting the urge to probably kill Greg.

"Are you okay?". He asked looking worried when we walked in the elevator. I nodded.

"I'm fine". I smiled.

We went to the hall and Miranda ran up to me and hugged me. My dad smiled too really relieved. I smiled back at him and we walked out of the building.


I walked in my house and the girls ran up to me hugging me tightly.

"So did you do it?". Mira asked. I nodded and I saw Sonia sighed in relief. I laughed at her.

"Come on. Let's go swim. You need it". Mira said dragging me upstairs. I looked behind me and saw Greg smiling at us, like my parents then He turned around walking out of the door.

"Wait". I said taking my hand out of their grip. "I'll be right back". I said turning back without waiting for their answer.
I walked out of the house too.

"Greg". I called and he stopped and turned to look at me. "Thank you. For everything. You helped me so much. You didn't have to and...". I said and He chuckled.

"You don't need to thank me". He paused. "But don't think I did it for you. I did it to be the hero. I will Tell it to the media and I will become famous". He smirked.

I looked at him raising an eyebrow. "You hate taking pictures and fame". I rolled my eyes. He smiled and shrugged.

"That's what you think". He smiled.

"Of course". I said sarcastically. "But still, you saved me". I said kissing his cheek. "So thank you".

"Guess I'm a unicorn". He said softly smiling.

I laughed. "What?". I asked confused. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Nothing. Have a nice swim". He said walking to his car. I smiled and walked back inside.

I was walking upstairs when I got a text.

From unknown:
Remember you're mine No matter what.

I read it again and shook my head walking in my room. I won't let him ruin me again.

Forced marriage (Lombardi family book#1)Where stories live. Discover now