Chapter 16

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Sarah's POV

I couldn't even sleep. I was so excited.
I woke up like four times to see if it was morning so we can go out.
When I woke I'm the third time, it was still dark.
I sighed and felt Lucca moved lightly on his side of the bed before wrapping a lazy arm on me.
I frowned looking outside before drifting back to sleep.


I woke up again and got out of bed to look outside. The sun was rising and I smiled excitedly and sat on the bed.
I squealed lightly and turned to Lucca.
I started shaking him to wake him up.

"Lucca". I whispered and he groaned.
"Lucca". I whispered again but he ignored me again.
"LUCCA!". I yelled shaking him harder.

"What, woman? What". He groaned irritated opening his eyes lightly.

"It's morning. Get up". I said.

He looked outside for a moment and looked at me sighing.

"No it's still dark". He sighed again trying to go back to sleep.

"No. The sun is rising". I said shaking my head but he just ignored.

"Baby, get your ass back to bed". He said suddenly grabbing my waist and pulling on his chest and closed his eyes again.

I let out a gasp at his sudden movement and narrowed my eyes at him.

"You may be awake but everyone else is sleeping". He added closing his eyes again.

"No". I said pushing on his chest.

"Fine. Two hours and we will be up. Okay?". I was about to say something but he cut.
"Hey! Sleep now or I will tie you up". He said sternly and I sighed.


I woke up feeling kisses on my neck. I moaned softly and turned around. I heard someone chuckle lightly and started kissing me again.

"Lucca. Stop". I said pushing his head away but he just continued. "Lucca". I whined.

"Now you know what it feels like". He said as I felt his lips moved against my skin.
"It's morning". He said and my eyes shot open and I sat up quickly looking outside.

"Yes! Finally". I jumped out of bed and he laughed softly.
I looked at him to see him already dressed. I looked at him confused.

"You slept for three hours". He said as I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.
"Sorry. You had to sleep and you were tired". I glared at him and went to take a shower.

After shower, I got dressed and walked out the bedroom. Lucca was in the living-room talking on the phone. And by the look of It, he must be talking about business. I saw the table full of food and went to eat while he was talking.

This food is wonderful. I went to the balcona and looked down at the garden of the hotel.
Oh. My. God. It is beautiful.

"Wanna go at the market?". I jumped and looked at him to see him smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded quickly.

He grabbed my hand as we head to the door.


After shopping we went lunch in a beautiful restaurant near the lake.

"After lunch, we are going to visite the taj mahal". He said making me smile widely.
"We are leaving tomorrow". I looked at him like the crazy guy he was.

I am not leaving India tomorrow.

"Relax. We are going at Delhi". He laughed shaking his head.
"I'm sure the taj mahal is not the only indian place you want to visit". He smirked.
I smiled big.

"Thank you Lucca". I smiled taking his hand in mine. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Anything for you". We continued eating then went back to our room to shower. It's a beautiful country but super hot.


"Oh my god". I whispered looking at the palace. "I could stay here admiring it". I said and Lucca wrapped his arm around my waist. "It's too bad we can't take pictures of this place". I sighed as he kissed my cheek.

"We can come back". He kissed my cheek. "Come on". He said and we continued our visit. This palace is heaven. So beautiful.


When we got in our room, Lucca dropped on the bed groaning. "If you wake me up tomorrow, I'll beat the shit out of you". He narrowed his eyes at me. I shook my head and went to shower.

"Whatever big boy". I laughed locking the door. I took a quick shower thinking about today smiling like an idiot.

When I walked out, I went to the walk-in Closet to wear my pyjama.
When I walked back to the room, I saw a shirtless Lucca standing by the balcona door looking outside. He looked tensed. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder kissing his back.

"Is everything okay?". I asked when He didn't look at me.

"You got a text". He said coldly.

I looked at him confused then went to take my phone. I unlocked It and sighed. It was from Greg. He wanted to know how I was doing and if we could have lunch to catch up. I didn't reply and looked at Lucca.

"Luc...". He cut me off.

"You are not going anywhere with him and I want you to stay away from him. I don't want you anywhere near him". He said turning around giving me a hard look.

"I won't do that. Lucca, I've known him all my life. He's Sonia's brother". I said calmly.

"You Will do as I say, Sarah". He snapped walking toward me as I tried my best not to shout at him.

"He's my friend an...".

"I'm your husband. I'm the only male friend you need". He said darkly now standing in front of me. "You Will Tell him to stop calling or texting you". He snapped. "Or I will".

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Who do you think you are? You have no right to do this". I snapped at him. I turned around but He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I have every right. You do it or I will". He said crashing his lips on mine into a hot and possessive kiss. I tried to push him off but his grip on my waist only tightened. He kissed me hungrily and shoved his tongue in my mouth. His hand moved to my hair to keep my head in place as he deepened the kiss. He kissed me like his life depended on it.

He finally pulled away and looked. "You are mine and you will understand that one way or another". He shoved me off and walked out of the bedroom as put my hand on my chest breathing heavily.

Oh my god.

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