Chapter 21

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**Greg's POV**

I ran a hand through my hair frustrated. I can't believe that fucker showed up at her house. I had to think quick. Joseph texted me saying not to bring Sarah home because the fucker came looking for her.
So I texted Mike telling him What He had to do. He brought his most trusted men. She wasn't supposed to know where She was going for her own safety. But when I see her She will have my balls.

Mike will explain everything to her when she wakes up.
Did He really have to make her sleep? Why did He have to do It like He was fucking kidnapping her. I'm gonna fucking kill him for that.

The fucker will never be able to find her in that house. Apparently there's a problem with their marriage contract and it scared Joseph enough to tell me not to bring her home.

So I had to distract her so she won't be focused on the road. I can't believe I was singing like a fucking idiot so She won't take notice of the drive.

Obviously I had to leave her because the fucker will immediatly think She is with me. If I show up there now. There will be no proof that Sarah has been at her parent's house or with me.

Damn it! Sarah Will definitly have my balls for what I did.

I got there, parked my car and got out. I immediatly heard someone yelling.

"WHERE IS MY WIFE!?". He yelled as I walked in the living room. He turned and glared at me. "You". He snapped pointing a finger at me. "Where is she? Where is my wife?". I looked at him blankly.

"You are asking me where your wife is?". I asked looking directly at him. It looked like He was losing It. "How can I know where YOUR wife is?". I said raising an eyebrow and I turned to Joseph to see him looking at me worried. Miranda was crying uncontrollably. Of course, Joseph didn't Tell her.

"Where is my daughter?". She cried looking at Lucca. "You were supposed to protect her. Where is She!?". She screamed glaring at me.

"I thought She was here". He said darkly looking at her. I smirked at myself. Joseph looked at me and He looked at little bit relieved.

The fucker looked at me again. "Why the fuck do you always have to be around?". He asked darkly. "Didn't I Tell you to stay away from her?".

"Simple, I'm family". I said casually. "Cry baby". I muttered to myself. "Now do you have any idea of where She could be". I asked looking at him.

He clenched his jaw. "That is none of your concern". He glared before walking past me his men following behind him. He turned to face Joseph. "Remember What I said. If you see her, call me. She's my wife. Her place is by my side". He said and walked ou of the door. Soon we Heard the door slam shut.

"Where could She be?". Miranda cried.

"Darling. She's fine. Greg took care of everything. He took her away". He said softly. More like kidnapped her, I said to myself. "Where is she Greg?". He asked looking at me worried.

I sighed and sat down explaining everything to them. They nodded and Miranda seemed relieved but still worried.

"And do you trust that Mike". Miranda asked. I nodded.

"With my life ma'am. She's safe with him". I affirmed. "Now. What happened?".

"He changed the contract. I remember reading It minutes before the wedding but He managed to corrupt men working with the preach. The contract had been changed. He planned It from the beginning". He said balling his fist.

"What had been changed?". I asked as I saw him stand up and started pacing.

"She has to be married to him for atleast a year". He said and I ran a hand through my hair. Damn It!

"Where is the contract?". I asked clenching my jaw. He pointed at the table. I was about to take it when my phone started ringing.

I answered. "What?". I snapped.

"SHE THREW A FUCKING VASE AT ME!". Mike yelled on the other as I couldn't help but laugh lightly.

Joseph looked at me. "She's awake". I whispered and He smiled lightly and nodded.

"She's crazy. I'm telling you. Crazy and pissed. You better not come today or She Will have your guts". He sighed.

"Don't worry. I won't be there for a couple of days. I'm sure the fucker will have me followed". I sighed. I don't want to take any risk.

"Yeah. I thought about it". He said. "Don't worry. If She doesn't try to kill me again, I will Tell her the details".

"Thanks bro. Take good care of her". I said. I know He will.

"Don't worry brother. I know What She means to you". He said. I was about to speak but He cut me off. "Don't fucking deny it". He snapped.

"Well you know shit. I care about her because I've known her for years. That's all. Bye". I hung up before he can say something else.

I sighed and started reading the contract. There has to be a way to Get her out of this shit. And I will find. There's no way I'm leaving her in this mess. I Will Get her out of this.

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