Chapter 20

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**Lucca's POV**

I walk in the room hoping to tell Sarah about my surprise for her. But the bedroom was empty. The door was locked. What the Fuck? I walked to the bathroom and nothing. Did She leave me. Is She hiding from me? Then I saw the balcona door open.

"Damn it!". I cursed loudly. "MARTHA". I yelled and She came rushing. "Where the fuck is my wife?". I snapped and her eyes widened.

"I don't know, Lucca. Last Time I saw her was for her diner". She said her eyes wide.

"Tell Jake to come in the living room now". I said lowly. How the fuck did She manage to Get out. Is She outside alone? Fuck.
I can't help but ball my fists. What did I do? Fuck! What is wrong with me? Everything was going so well. What did I have to fuck everything up?

"Y...y...You were l...l...looking f...for sir?". Said a trembling voice. I turned slowly glaring at him.

"Where is my wife?". I snapped making him wince.

"S...She went for a w...walk sir. She said s...She won't be long". He said lowering his gaze.


"It's b...been two Hours sir". He said and a few steps toward him. My fist collided with his jaw and fell.

"And You let her". I yelled glaring at him. "Get up. Out of my sight". I snapped. He ran out.

I groaned and punched the wall. Did She really leave me? Does She really think She can leave me? Foolish woman. She can't Get away from me this easily. For better and for worse and because of one little fight She decided to leave me? I don't think so. I will Get her back one way or another. I confessed my love for her and She doesn't care. Fuck! Why did I have to mess everything up?

**Sarah's POV**

It's been two days since I left. And today, my dad and his lawyer went to see the budge for my divorce. I don't know What for specially. I wanted to go but my father told me to stay at home. So here I was making pancakes at 5pm. Don't judge.

"Sarah, stop eating the paste". Rona said walking out of the kitchen making me laugh.

I shook my head. I felt someone breath against my ear making me jump. I quickly turn around to see Greg inches from me smirking.

He chuckled at my reaction. "Chicken". He muttered. I glared at him and turned back around. "What are you doing?". He asked.

"Pancakes. Want some?". I asked. He nodded.

"In the afternoon?". He sighed. "Haven't done It in a while". He said running a hang through his hair. "You need to Get out of this house. You look like shit". He said sitting on one of the stools.

"Wow thanks. You're such a good friend". I said sarcastically.

He smirked and took his phone out. I rolled my eyes and continued my work.

We just talked while eating. And He made me forget about my worries and Lucca for awhile.

"Okay. You're depressed and you're depressing me". He said standing up. "Come on". He said holding his hand out. I looked at It. "Like I said you need to Get out of this house". I took his hand but didn't Get up.

"I don't want to go out". I whined. More like I don't want Lucca to find me.

"Do you trust me?". He asked. "Yes, of course". He answers for me before I can say anything. "We Will just drive around okay. You won't Get out of the car". He smiled. I nodded and stood up. He pulled me out of the kitchen.

"Wait I need to change". I said. He stopped and looked at me from head to toe.

"No. You're very fine". He smirked. "Come on".


We have been driving for more than an hour. Just talking and singing. Personnally, I have a horrible voice but his is worse and He was singing louder than me. We were stuck in the traffic and there's a woman looking at us weirdly.

"Okay. Enough. You're scaring people". I laughed turning the radio off. He chuckled looking at the woman.
"Do you know where we are going? We have been driving for awhile". He frowned lightly. I chuckle. "Greg! Do you know where we are?". I looked at him and He drew his eyebrows together and He started looking around. "Greg!". I yelled slapping in arm lightly.

I looked at him in shock and noticed something. "Where's the GPS?". I asked.

"Well this car doesn't have one". He said scratching the back of his neck.

"So we're lost and there's no GPS". I said leaning back against the chair. He started laughing. I looked at him like He was crazy. "Why are you laughing?".

"Well looks like we are in deep shit". He chuckled.

"No shit Sherlock". I said looking around. "Where did all the cars go?". I panicked looking around. He laughed even more. "Greg! The road is empty. Stop driving. There's no more car. You don't even know where you are going".

"Relax. I have everything under control". He sighed and parked the car near the forest and got out. I looked at him confused and got out myself.

He stood in front of me and cupped my face. "Do you trust me?". He asked looking into my eyes and I looked at him confused. He sighed. "I Will let you answer this time".

"Yes. Of course". I said. "Can we go now?". I said looking around. This forest is creepy.

"Okay". He sighed and kissed my forehead before taking a few steps away from me.
"Go ahead". He said loudly.

Before I knew What was happening, I felt a hand on my mouth and I gasped in shock. What is going on? I looked at Greg shocked before I felt another person's hand place a blindfold on my eyes. I started fighting those men. I don't even know how many They are.

"Do it fast and don't leave any evidence". I heard Greg say and I heard him Get in his car and drive away fast.

I felt a tissue being placed against my mouth and nose and I felt myself getting weak.

Greg. That was my last thought before darkness consumed me.

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