Chapter 12

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Sarah's POV

Lucca and I have been married for a month now. And things aren't really going as I expected. Since our honeymoon he doesn't look at me or talk to me or touch me.
When I try to talk to him, he just makes the conversation short and walks away. I don't know why but it hurts so bad.

"Don't Forget about Sonia's parrents anniversary today". I said to Lucca as he was fixing his tie to go to work.

"Mhhmm". I sighed and walked up to him.

"Is everything alright?". I asked putting my hand on his back. He just walked away sighing.

"Dont wait for me. I will be there when I am done with my work". He said as he took his keys and walked away.

I looked at him as he walked out of the room. I started crying silently without even realising it. I am so weak. I gave him my virginity, since the honeymoon I am starting to fall in love with him and he doesn't even care. It hurts so much.

To night was Sonia's parents anniversary. They have been married for 25 years and that were throwing a cocktail party in their house.

I was getting ready since Lucca wanted is to go seperatly.

Is he ashamed of me?

I decided to straighten my hair. Before doing so, I sent a text to Lucca which of course he didn't reply making me sigh. I feel like I am trying too hard but I can't help it. I'm falling in love with him and he is my husband. A tear dropped and I quickly stop myself from thinking that way.

After straightening my hair. I did my makeup. I applied natural colour eyeshadow with eyeliner on my eyes and nude lipstick. I then put my outfit on which was a black dress, black heels and a gold necklace. I looked at myself in the mirror straighten my dress then walked out.

I got there and walked and there was already a lot of people.

"Sarah!!" Yelled a voice I could always recognize Sonia's. I turned around and we hugged tightly.

"I missed you". She said pulling away and I laughed.

"Sonia. We saw each other yesterday". I said making her roll her eyes at me.

"Whatever. But where is your husband?". She asked looking around.

"He's coming later". I sighed lowering my gaze. She sighed to and hugged.

"Sarah. Everything's gonna be alright". She said smiling warmly at me.
"Come on. My parents were waiting for you to come". She taking taking my hand in hers and walking to her parents.

The night was going good. Right now I was with Mira and her boyfriend Jesse. Sonia just left to go god knows where so I went to look for her.

"Sarah". Called a familiar male voice behind me. I Turned around and saw Greg, Sonia's older brother. It's been 3years since the last time I saw him.

"Greg. Oh my god! How have you been?". I said as He pulled me into a hug.

"Good. And Apparently you too. Look at you. You look beautiful". He said smiling down at me.

"Thank you". I said smiling back.

"So I heard you got married and without my blessing". He said faking anger. I just laughed at him.

"I am so sorry. It was kind of a surprise for me too". I replied.

He was about to say something when He stopped and stare at something behind me. I was confused. I was about to turn around when I felt two strong hands on my hips and I was pulled into a hard chest. I know who it is. I turned around to see his jaw clenched and looking hardly at Greg. What is wrong with him now?

"Greg may I present you my husband Lucca. Lucca, Greg is Sonia's brother". I said as Lucca pulled by his side and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Nice to meet you". Greg said pulling his hand out. Lucca took it firmly and I saw Greg flinch but quickly recovered.
"Well I will leave you too alone. It was nice talking to you Sarah. I hope we can hang out sometime". He said smiling at me.

"Of course. Just give me a call". I said as Lucca's grip on my waist tightened.
Greg nodded and left.

"You are not going anywhere with him". Lucca coming in front of me.

"He is my friend so I will". I said trying walking away. I went to the bathroom.
I finished and got out when I was pulled against the wall.

"And I said you are not going anywhere with him. I don't want you anywhere near him". He said as his eyes got darker.

"And who are you to decide that?". I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Your husband". He whispered staring at my lips as his hands run down my body.

"Oh so now. You wanna act like it. After you ignored me for a whole month". I said trying to push him off. He laughed lowly and start kissing my neck.

"You have no idea how crazy I am about you. Do you?". He said kissing my jawline and going down to my neck and shoulders.
"Do you know how incredible you are in that dress?". He whispered biting my earlobe making me bite my lip as I was about to moan. "You drive me crazy and thats why I have I have been distant. You make me lose my mind and I hate losing control".
He then crashed his lips on mine making me moan at the impact. He grabbed my ass and pulled me Closer to him.
"You don't want to make me loose control. Because you would regret it". He said seriously and I gulped.
"You are mine anyway. And I don't want you near any man. Are we clear?". He said but I didn't answer. His grip on me tightened.
"I said are we clear?". He asked again and I nodded my head.

"Good". He said pecking my lips softly. He grabbed my waist and we went back to the party.

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