Chapter 47

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**Sarah's POV**

"Can I come in?". He asked looking at me and that seem to have woken Lucca from his transe.

"No". He snapped.

"Come on, Son". He chuckled. "I haven't seen you in twenty years". He said darkly. "Aren't you atleast going to present me to your beautiful little family?". He said pointing at Marco and I.

Lucca looked at him darkly.

"Whatever you do, I don't give a fuck. Just stay away from my family". Lucca said darkly and the man looked at him hardly then smirk.

"You talk back at me now, son". He said darkly. "You're a man now, I see". He said. "I heard you owned a big company". He hardly looking at his surrounding. "You're a billionnaire. And you didn't even think about your old father who's starving everyday".

Lucca shrugged. "Doesn't look like you're starving to me?"

"Who made you the man you are today?". The man snapped lowly.

"Victor Lombardi". He said making the man chuckle.

"The only thing the man did was to steal my wife and my kid". He snapped looking darkly at us. "How would you feel if someone came and took your kid and your beautiful wife from you?". He smirked. "And keep them for themselves". He added darkly.

"If you're threatening my family, it's because you don't know what I'm capable of. I don't have time for your shit". Lucca said and went to close the door but the man stopped him.

"Is this really how you're thanking me? We haven't seen each other for twenty years". He said and Lucca looked at him. "By the way, how is your mother?".

"Don't you dare talk about her?". Lucca snapped and took an intimidating step toward him.

"Lucca". I stopped him. "Don't. Please". I knew he was going to lose his temper but I also knew it's gonna end bad if he did.
He stopped.
I saw him nod at his men to dismiss them when they started coming here.

The man smirked looking at us. "Being a good obedient husband I see". He said darkly. "Do you also lose your temper with them?". He asked and I clenched my teeth.

Lucca looked at him for a moment. He punched the man hard in the face making me gasp. My eyes went wide as I saw the man fall back. He fell on the ground hard and Lucca closed the door but didn't turn around.

"Lucca". I said cautiously and he slowly turned around. My heart skipped a bit when I looked at his face. His eyes were dark. They were scary. He looked at me but didn't move.
"I... I'm going to bath Marco and put him in bed". I said and he nodded.

I slowly made my way upstairs. Like that, I can give him time to calm down a little bit.
Why is that these kind of things keep happening? Why did his father come back? What does he want?
I hope him coming back won't do anything to Lucca. I haven't seen him like this in so long.
How does he know where we live?

I sighed and looked at my baby.

"Hey little prince". I cooed undressing him.


I walked back to the living-room and Lucca wasn't there. I sighed and went to his office.
When I opened the door, I found him there sitting on his chair with a glass in his hand. I sighed and walked up to him.

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