Chapter 13

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Sarah's POV

It's been two days since the party and Lucca got back to the way he was. He started ignoring me again. I don't know what the Hell is wrong with him.

I shook my head and got up to take a shower. Today, I was hanging out with Sonia and Mira.

Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with him. I tried talking to him, I did everything I could to get his attention. I think I'm just gonna leave him alone for now.

I did my makeup, straighten my hair and put my clothes on. I grabbed my purse and phone then went to my car.
I parked my car and went inside the restaurant we were supposed to meet at. They were already there. I hugged them, sat down and started talking.

"So How are you doing Mrs. Lombardi?". Mira said taking a sip of her drink.

"My husband has been ignoring me since our wedding night". I said rolling my eyes.

"Thats one thing I dont understand". Sonia said leaning back.
"Did you try talking to him?". She asked.

"I tried but he is... I dont even know". I sighed.

"Well you can forgive him just looking at that fine ass of his". Mira said making Sonia glare at her.

"You are on our side or you go seat over there". Sonia said pointing at another table. Mira just frowned making me laugh.

"Well He was being all possessive when I was talking to Greg at your parents anniversary". I said chewing my food.

"With the jaw clenched and everything. That must have been pretty hot". She said smirking at me in a creepy way. Sonia and I threw fries at her. "What!? Dont act like you dont know what I mean". She said looking at me.

"You're unbelievable". I said laughing. Sonia just chuckled and shook her head. Mira just shrugged.

"Sooooo... Let's be serious for a second". Mira said seriously. "How was He in bed?". He said smirking.
Sonia and I glare and threw fries at her again making her laugh.

After the restaurant, we went shopping. It was already dark when I got home. I got inside and Walked toward the stairs.

"Where the fuck were you?". Lucca said making me jump. I turned around to see his sleeves rolled to his elbows, he had no tie and a few buttons of his shirt were undone giving me a perfect sight of his toned chest.

Oh lord, help me!

"I was out". I said making his eyes darken.

"I know that but where". He said taking a few steps toward me.

"Lunch then shopping". I said casually. I know I'm testing his patience but I can't help it.

"Sarah, don't test me". He said louder clenching his jaw. "Who were you with?". He asked.

"Oh so now you care about what I do?". I said raising my eyebrow.

He sighed and pushed me against the wall. "You are testing my limits". He said lowly in my ear. "That's not a good idea". I shivered as I felt his lips on my neck.

I pushed him off and glared at him. "Don't touch me". I said.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.
"Or what my Love". He said kissing, licking and biting on my neck.

I bite my lip hard to keep myself from moaning. I felt his hand travel under my shirt and the other one grabbed my ass squeezing it hard as I let out a moan.

Realisation hit and I pushed him off hardly running to the room. I got and went to close it but before I know it he pinned me hard against the door and kissed me roughly. He took my shirt off with no effort. How did he do that? He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed and bite on my neck and breast making me moan louder. Before I know it he threw me on the bed and started kissing me again as he took my pants off. Without knowing it, I started kissing back.
Why am I so weak?

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