Chapter 18

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***Sarah's POV**

I woke up with a huge headache. I looked around to see that I was in our room.
I remember about yesterday and my heart started beating faster. I slowly walked out of bed when I saw that He was nowhere in sight.

I can't even explain what happened yesterday. Did He really tried to kill or he was just trying to scare. His eyes were so blank. He was apologizing days ago.
He wanted to make it up to me.

What happened to that?

I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw my bruised neck. There's no way makeup will be able to hide this. Why did he do this to me?

I started sobbing. I couldn't control myself. I shook my head as more tears were dropping. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to calm myself down.

When I opened them, I jumped as I saw him against the door frame looking at me his eyes full of regret.

"I'm sorry". He said walking toward as I turned around to move away from him.

He looked hurt by my action. But I ignored it.

"Baby, I didn't mean it". He smiled lightly grabbing my arms as I was about to take another step away from him.
"I was just angry. You just should have listened. It wouldn't have happened if You did". He cupped my face as my teary eyes moved to him.
I looked at him like he was crazy.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing the tip of my nose. "Are you gonna stay away from him?". He asked. I can't believe this man.

"Let go of me". I said tears dropping again. "What is wrong with you?". I say getting out of his grip and walking away. I was shaking inside.

"Don't walk away from me". He snapped following me out of the bathroom.

"Are you serious right now? You nearly killed me yesterday. Y... You choked me". I said my voice Breaking at each sentence.

"You should have just listened. I told You I was sorry". He said as his face harden. He tried to touch but I moved away again. "Stop this now Sarah". He said getting angry.

"Please just leave me alone. I want to be alone".  I said and He moved fast toward me. Before I can react He trapped me against the wall grabbing my chin harshly.

"Your parents gave you to me. So now You belong to me. You are going to stay away from this guy. You're gonna do as you're told because I'm your husband so you Will do as I say". He said dangerously low. He shoved me off and start walking to the door. I glared at his back.

"Have you lost your mind?". I asked lowly. He stopped walking. He turned around and back-handed me making me fall on the floor as more tears started falling. I hold my cheek looking at him my eyes wide in shock again. Did He just hit me?

"You should do what you're told". He said walking toward the door. Before walking out of the room, He turned around and looked at me. "Get some sleep. You look tired". He said walking out of the room and I Heard him lock the bedroom door.

Why is He doing this? Is He really changing out of jealousy. What happened to the Lucca I met weeks ago? Is this due to his mood swings? So many questions is my head and I don't have answers for any of them.

I got off the floor, took my purse looking for my  phone but I didn't find it anywhere. I looked for my car Keys and still nothing. Even my computer has disappeared. Did He take them away and lock me in this room?

I ran to the door and started banging hoping that Martha Will open the door or any maid but nothing came. I didn't hear any noise. I just sat against the door feeling helpless. I wished Miranda and my dad were here.

**Greg's POV**

"Now you're being ridiculous". Sonia rolled her eyes at me. "Okay Lucca is mysterious and all that but I'm sure he is good to Sarah". She sighed. "He may seem ruthless and cold, but He can be sweet. You don't know What happens behind closed doors".

"That is what scares me the most". I sighed taking a sip of my drink. "His eyes were completly blank, expressionless at the restaurant. You should have seen it".

"Did Mike even find anything?". She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing after his divorce". I sighed leaning back on my chair. "But that doesn't mean there's nothing to find". I said unbottuning my suit jacket.

"I know you are really good at reading people and that's one of the reasons your company became this big. But you can be wrong this time". She sighed again.

"I don't trust this guy and Sarah has to spend her days with him". I glared at the glass in my hand. She looked at me teasingly.

"I always knew you liked her". She said smirking. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Now you are losing your mind". I said walking to big glass wall of my office. "I don't like her like that".

"Keep telling that and maybe one day you will believe it yoursel". She said playfully. "You know I'm right. But you didn't do anything about It and now she's married". She said making my jaw tightened as I looked at the city below me. "Are you doing this because of your intuition or for yourself?". She said and I know exactly What She meant.

"There's something off with this guy". I said turning to face my sister. "And I will find out what".

She rolled her eyes playfully taking her phone out. I faced the glass wall again. Of course Mike  won't stop searching. It's just weird He didn't find anything after his divorce. I sighed running a hair through my hair feeling frustrated.

"You were supposed to have lunch with her, right?". I asked without turning. "So is your ass still on that chair?". I asked quiet rudely. But it's nothing She wasn't used to.

"You are so rude". She rolled her eyes. "Mira is sick so we cancelled". She explained.

I nodded and walked to my desk getting back to work.

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