Chapter 10

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Today was my wedding. I can't believe it's today. I am so nervous.
My 4 bridemaids were all here with me.
It was of course Sandra, Sonia, Mira and April, my cousin.

My mom's makeup artist Jada was currently doing my makeup and my hair stylist was doing my hair. I couldn't look at myself just yet because they wont let me.

"Ok. Now finally we are done". Jada said excitedly. I tightened my robe then then turned to the mirror. I look at myself and gasp.
It was so weird. I can't even believe it was really me.
I looked more mature. Mom and Sandra already told me that I couldn't just act like a teenager anymore. Or like a spoiled kid. And I agree with them.

Right now, my hair was done into a tight low bun. My makeup so beautiful with peachy pink eyeshadow and natural colour lipstick. And there was a jewelry tied around my bun.

Just then my mom and the girls walked in and started complimenting as I watched my mom trying her best to not ruin her makeup from all the crying.

My bridemaids were all beautiful. There hair were done into loose curls and there were wearing white tight gowns. There were all beautiful and natural eyeshadow and nude lipstick.

"Alright time to put your dress on". My mom said excitedly while pushing me into the dressing room.

I finished putting my dress on with my mom's and Jada's help. After the dress, Jada helped me with the veil. After everything was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. My dress was a long princess dress with a really long veil (dress on the side). I stepped out and they gasped and smiled at me in approval.

I was so nervous right now. I couldn't even think straight.
What if I trip and fall in front of all the guests or worse.

Oh god. Maybe right now is a good time to faint.

"Girls. It's time". My dad said walking in and gasp. He stopped in his track when he saw me.

"Sarah. Jesus". He said looking at me in disbelief.
"You look beautiful". He said hugging me and kissing my forehead.
"You look absolutely stunning. I can't believe my second princess is getting married". He whispers making my eyes water.

"Thank you daddy". I whisper kissing his cheek.

"Enough. Don't ruin her makeup". Mom said laughing. "Don't make her cry now".
"It's time to go". She said leaving, followed by the girls.

"I am so proud of you princess". He said kissing both of my hands.

I smiled at him, kissing both his cheeks. I took his arm and we headed out.

Once we were there, all the bridemaids walked down the aisle and it was now my turn. The music started and grabbed my dad's arm tighter.

"Everything will be fine sweetie". He said. I nodded and we started walking down the aisle. Everyone stood up and I heard some gasp.

Everything was white. There was white roses and crystal everywhere. The chair were also white.

All eyes were on me and I was so nervous. I always hated to much attention on me. But I've never been the center of attention of so many people. Literally all eyes were on me.

Oh my god.

Look at you feet, Sarah, before you trip.

I finally found the courage to look at my fiance. I looked at him to find him staring at me and a saw him smiling at me.
I heard some whisper about the fact that he's smiling.
I smiled shyly at him.
We soon got there and my dad took my hand in his and looked at Lucca.

"She is my youngest daughter. I always did my best to treat her like a princess. And I expect the same from you. Take good care of her". He said looking at him.

"I will. You have my word". Lucca said looking at me. My father hugged me.

"I love you". He whispered hugging me.

"I love you too daddy". I said as we pulled away and Lucca took my hands and my dad went to seat next to my mom.

"We are all here today for the celebration of marriage". The preacher said. And start the ceremony. We exchange our vows.

"Lucca repeat after me 'Sarah, i take you to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold you from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part".

He repeated looking into my eyes the whole time. I couldn't help but blush.

"Sarah repeat after 'Lucca, I take you to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold you from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part". The preacher said.

I repeated holding Lucca's hand tighter.
We exchange our rings and finished the ceremony.

"You may now kiss the bride". He said and Lucca grabbed my waist and kissed me passionately and everyone cheered.
He pulled away smirking at me making me blush even harder.

After that we took pictures together, with the family the with the guests.

Then I went back into the to change my dress for the reception. It was a backless satin long dress with a split on my right leg. It was more comfortable than the other one. I let my hair down and Jada retouched my makeup. Then we went back.

The party was going so well. I met Lucca's bestfriends Daniel. He was so funny and loved getting under Lucca's skin.
His brother Ryan who was younger than him and was working in Lucca's company. People made cute and funny speeches and we were having so much fun.

After the party, we went to the car and left for the airport. Lucca didn't want to tell me where we were going. And I wanted to know so badly.

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