Chapter 26

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**Sarah's POV**

We walked inside the house to find a very excited Miranda. She ran up to me crying. She pulled into a bone crushing hug.

Oh my god! I laughed lightly and my dad pulled me into a hug too.

"How are you princess?". He asked softly.

"Good". I sighed as I pulled away. He smiled and looked behind me.

"Greg, Mike. Thank you". He said sincerely and they nodded.

Mike smirked at me arrogantly probably feeling proud of himself and I shook my head at him. This man.

I smiled and looked at Greg. We stared at each other for a moment before his blank face turned into a smirk and he winked at me. I turned back around putting my head against my dad's chest as I felt my face heating up. Why the fuck am I blushing?

I heard my dad, Mike and Miranda chuck as I felt myself blushing harder. Why are they doing this to me?

Suddenly the front door flew open and in walked Lucca. My eyes widened as his landed on me. He looked at me intently and I still had my shocked expression.

"What are You doing here?". My father barged. "Get out". He glared at him pulling me behind him.

"I came to talk my wife and I'm won't leave until I did so". He snapped back making my heart jump. What?

"Leave my house now Lombardi". My father glared at him.

I looked at Greg to see him leaned against the wall looking calm. He is so calm all the time. He looked at Lucca darkly like He was analyzing him. Hell. I wouldn't want him looking at me like that.

"So You just decide to leave your house and your husband behind?". Lucca asked as I could feel his eyes on me making me nervous. "And can I know where You were? I was worried sick". He said trying to Get Closer but was stopped by my father.

"Don't come any closer". He said lowly.

"You want me to stay away from my wife?". Lucca asked in mocking tone but his eyes darken.

"She won't be you "wife" anymore in a couple of days". My father said pushing me even further behind him.

Lucca turned to glare at Greg. "She was with this fucker, wasn't She?". He snapped. Greg just looked at him boringly. He then turned his gaze toward me. "Are You really gonna leave me?". He asked as I looked at him with teary eyes.

He sighed. "Come home with me". He said softly. I lowered my gaze. "Baby, look at me". He sighed. "Come back, please".

"No". I whispered.

"What?". He whispered as if He couldn't believe it.

"I said No. I am not going back". His eyes darken and He looked at me with empty eyes. He took a step toward me but my father's bodyguard grabbed his shoulder.

"Do you really want the divorce?". He asked as if He was trying to control his temper. "Answer me". I nodded.

Before anyone could react, he pulled a gun out making my eyes widen. Miranda pulled me back a little.

"A move and there Will be a dead". He said and the bodyguard stepped aside. Everyone, even Mike looked at him with wide eyes. Every but Greg who was still looking at him with a bored expression.

"You know if someone is hurt or not, you're screwed anyways right?". Greg sighed as Lucca was holding the gun tightly. My heart was beating faster by the second. "So I suggest you to put this shit down. You don't need to add another murder into your list, do you?". He finished and Lucca directed his gun toward him. Greg didn't even flinch. What the hell?

"Don't fucking Tell me What to do. Give me my wife back and we'll leave". He snapped. "Because she's mine and I Will have her one way or another". He snapped looking at me directly.

Suddenly the door flew open again followed by loud foot steps.

"Mr. Lombardi put your gun down now". A voice boomed making Miranda jump and I looked at men with the uniform. Oh shit. "Mr. Lombardi put your gun down". The officer repeated.

Lucca still had his eyes on me as he looked at me intently, almost glaring. "Come with me". He whispered. The officer took the opportunity to take the gun out of his hands.

"Mr. Lombardi, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You...". I didn't even hear the rest as Lucca's gaze was glued on me. He glared at me making me want to hide somewhere.
I couldn't help but feel guilty because of the look he was giving me. I looked down as I felt myself crying. Miranda came by my side and hugged me we the officer put the handcuff on him.

"Don't think this is over". He said and I know he was talking to me. "No matter how long it takes, you will be back in my arms". He said darkly as he was dragged away. "Mark my words Sarah". He said glaring at me. I looked at him. "No Matter how long it takes, I will come back. Even if it takes years". He said and they walked out.

I suddenly felt like I was about to faint. I sat down on the couch feeling like a zombie. My father and Miranda walked out to talk to the officer probably. Oh my god.

I looked up at Greg to find him staring at me. I lowered my gaze again. I Heard him sigh before he walked up to me. He sat next and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I looked at Mike. He sat down and sighed relieved leaning back.

"Why didn't You look scared. You were so calm. How?". I asked softly looking at Greg. He smiled weakly.

"Trust me. I was scared shitless when He pointed the gun at you". He smiled. "But you don't show your fears to this kind of guy or you're screwed". He paused. "And I called the police before we got here because I knew someone working for him will be watching your house and then He would come". He smirked. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Seems like you always think about everything and always have solutions". I said whipping my tears away. "Is he really going to jail?". I asked cautiously. He sighed and nodded.

And I felt guilty again. I couldn't but feel like that. I've destroyed his Life. He had everything. Money, his company, power. And now He is going to jail. I didn't realise I was crying until Miranda walked in and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I didn't want things to end up like that". I cried harder.

"Sshhh. Honey, I know but he did terrible things and he has to pay for it". She kissed my forehead and hugged me again. "You deserved better. I'm so sorry. It was our mistake. None if this is your fault baby". She said her voice breaking at the end. "He has to pay for his crimes". She sighed. "It's over now". She said trying to convince herself.

But Lucca's words keep replaying in my head...

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