Chapter 33

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**Sarah's POV**

I hate fighting with my friends but I'm sure everything's gonna be fine. He's Sonia's brother, it's not like we could just be mad forever. But it wasn't his place to tell Lucca about it. He is trying his best and I won't let Greg hurt him even more. He wants to be better and if Greg can't see that, there's nothing I can do but He better stay away from him then.

After Greg's office, I went back to Lucca to see if he was awake. I walked in his room to see him sitting in the couch his face in his hands.

I closed the door and he looked up so quickly that I thought He was going to break his neck. He looked at me for a moment and then sighed in relief.

"I thought you...". He begin but stopped. I looked at him smiling.

"What?". I asked so He can continue but He just shook his head and mentioned me to come over him. I walked up to see and He pulled me on his lap.

"Where were you?". He asked softly.

"I was taking care of something while you were sleeping". I smiled. He looked confused but didn't ask anymore question. And I'm glad. I don't want to talk about my fight with Greg right now.

"Are your parents okay with you coming here?". He asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I sighed and looked down. "Sarah I don't want you to go against them because of me". He sighed playing with my hair.

"I'm trying to convince them. My dad is just stubborn. He needs to be reminded of things". I explained and He sighed shaking his head.

"He's still your dad and you should try to talk to him instead of just going against what he's saying". He said and I nodded.

"I know". I sighed. "I will talk to him". I said and He kissed my cheek.

"Good". He whispered pulling me closer to him.

"I'm sorry". He said again after some time. I sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Lucca. You're getting better." I cupped his face. "Just forget. Feeling guilty will only ruined all your efforts". He nodded and stared at me intently. I chuckled feeling the blush creeping on my face. "What?". I asked but He just shrugged and kept staring at me. "Lucca stop". I whined hiding my face on his neck. He chuckled.

"You're beautiful". He whispered and I smiled still hiding my face.

"You too". I smiled and He laughed.

"Don't you dare call me beautiful, Sarah". He smiled and I lifted my head up.

"Or what?". I teased. He narrowed his eyes at me trying not to smile.

He suddenly grabbed my hands in his and started tickling me with his other hand. I screamed and started laughing uncontrollably.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry". I said loudly. "I'm sorry". I screamed and He stopped. I wiped my tears and He chuckled.

"See? It's all about cooperation". He smiled and I glared at him.

"You're so annoying". I laughed.

"I love you too". He said smirking. I rolled my eyes running a hand through his hair.


I got home and started walking directly to my father office. I knocked and walked in. He looked up at me and smiled weakly. I smiled back and closed the door behind me.

"You were with him again, weren't you?". He sighed and I nodded.

"I need to talk to you". I said walking to his desk. I took his hand and pulled him to the sofa. We sat down and I took a deep breath.

"Remember the stories about you and mom. How you meet and all that". I said and He nodded. "You did bad things too in the past. Mom forgave you. Your fathers were ennemies but She was still with you. You made a lot of mistakes and hurted her a lot but She forgave you. She left everything for you. She left Mexico to come here with you without her parent's blessings". I said. "Your blessing is the most important thing to me". I sighed. "But you should just see how hard He is trying. He went there willingly because He wanted to". I said.
"I'm not gonna remind you of all the things you did because it's in the past. But you wanted to change for her and you did. She believed in you and you made it. You two were always saying that forgiveness is the key". I said and He looked down.
"I'm not saying that mine will be the same as yours. But there's a difference between you and Lucca. He was more broken. His past is darker than yours and he suffered more". I lifted his chin to make him look at me.
"You did everything because you wanted to and because it gave you more power. You said it yourself. You destroyed people and you meant everything". I said.
"Mom was always saying 'Everyone makes mistakes. If you can't forgive others, don't expect others to forgive you'. I wasn't able to understand back then". He looked at me. "But now I do". I said my eyes watering.
"What would have happened if She didn't believe in you? And now, you're a wonderful Man we are proud to call our father". He looked at me again this Time with watery eyes. "I'm not asking you to Forget, dad. I'm asking you to forgive. You will see how better you will feel after". I finished and He looked at me and cupped my cheek.

"You love him, don't you?". He smiled weakly and I lowered my head trying to hide my blush. He chuckled and lifted my head up.
"When are you visiting him again?". He asked and I looked at him confused.

"Next week". I said hesitantly.

"I'll come with you". He smiled and my eyes widen and I smiled big wrapping my arms around his neck. "You're right, princess. Forgiveness is the key".

"Thank you. Thank you". I said making him chuckle. I looked over his shoulder to see Miranda smiling before giving me thumbs up and walking out.

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