Chapter 44

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**Lucca's POV**

I got out of the car with Ryan and walked inside the building.
We walked in and went straight to the basement. I looked at Ryan confused when we saw the door wide open.

"What the fuck?". I said seeing a bleeding carmelo on the floor. I looked around the room and it was empty. "What the fuck happened? Where is she?". I snapped as Ryan helped him up.

"There's was two guys". He said wincing. "Looks like they followed us. They stabbed me and she left with them. There was another man with them. He was wearing glasses". He said looking at me hesitantly as I clenched my jaw.

"Fucking bitch". I snapped throwing a chair on the other side of the room. "Take his car and take him to the hospital". I said to Ryan as I took my phone out. I dialed Daniel's number.

"Did you already go finish her?". He asked.

"Where is Sarah?". I asked running out of patience.

"She's here with the baby". He said. "Is something wrong?". He whispered.

"She escaped". I snapped. "Stay with them. I'm on my way. Don't tell anything to Sarah". I said then hung up walking out of the building.

**Sarah's POV**

"What did he say? Where is he now?". I asked as Daniel just smiled.

"He is on his way". He said as I layed Marco down.

"Did something happened?". I asked and He shook his head. I looked at him raising my eyebrows.

"Stop stressing yourself". He sighed. "Lucca can handle everything. Just relax". He said smiling and I shook my head.

Now I can't relax. He looks weird. What did Lucca tell him?


After about thirty minutes, Lucca walked through the door. He gave a nod at Daniel.

"Okay. I'll leave you and Mr. Grumpy alone". He said rolling his eyes. "See you later wifey". He said walking to the door. I smiled and waved at him.
He walked out and closed the door. I looked at Lucca to see him already looking at me.

"What happened?". I asked and he sighed walking up to me and kissed my forehead.

"Nothing". He said. "Why would you think something happened?". He asked and I shrugged.

"Daniel looked weird when you called him". I said. "What did you do with Samantha?". I asked and he groaned walking to the crib.

"Don't worry about it". He said smiling at me. "Everything is fine". He said.
"Hey little boy". He smiled taking Marco in his arms as I looked at him suspiciously.

I couldn't help but think that he was hiding something from me.

"Lucca. If something happened, you would tell me right?". I asked and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I told you nothing fucking happened". He snapped. "Will you just stop?". He said harshly.

"Then why are you so tensed?". I asked again. "There's something you are not telling me". I said as he put the baby back in the crib.

He walked up to me. "Since when do I have you  tell you about my business?". He glared at me.

"Since I became your wife". I said trying to stay calm.

"That doesn't mean you can go snooping around in my business". He snapped. "We got our baby back. That's all you need to worry about". He said standing up and walking to the window.

"If something happened. I need you to tell me". I snapped. "I don't want you t-"

"Goddamn it Sarah". He cut me off harshly. "Nothing fucking happened". He snapped. "And If something did happen". He looked at me raising an eyebrow. "What can you do about it?". He asked crossing his arms accross his chest.

"Why are you being like this?". I glared at him. "I didn't do anything to you". I snapped. "I'm just worried about you".

"Well stop. It's annoying". He said harshly as I fought my tears back.

We stared at each other for a moment before someone knocked at the door.
I wiped the single tear that escaped as the door opened.

My parents walked in smiling big followed by Mira and Sonia.

"Oh my god". Miranda said softly walking up to and kissing my cheek along with my dad.
"How are you honey?". She asked and I nodded smiling. She turned to the baby and her smile widened. "Can I hold him?". She asked.

"Of course". I chuckled as my father smiled at me.

"You looked tired princess". He smiled down at me. "Are you okay?". He asked and I nodded. He looked at me for a moment before walking to Miranda and the baby after greeting Lucca.

"FINALLY". Mira said loudly as her and Sonia up to me and they both hugged me tightly making me laugh.
"I can't believe I'm an auntie". Mira smiled pulling away.

"Oh my god". Sonia said as I saw her wiping tears.

"Why are you crying?". I laughed as she just chuckled.

"We want to see him too". She said walking up to my dad who was holding the baby.

"And hold him". Mira added walking up to them.

I smiled as I saw Sonia took him in her arms as she was about to cry again. I chuckled as Mira kissed his hand and looked at me.

"Okay. I'm the godmother right?". She asked as Sonia glared at her.

"We said that I will the godmother of Sarah's children. You will the godmother of mines and Sarah will the godmother of your children". She said.

"But I always thought you were going to be a mother first. That's why I agreed?" She pouted looking at Sonia.

"I don't care". Sonia snapped as Miranda took Marco chuckling.

"Sarah. Make your choice". Mira snapped making my eyes widen.

"I'm not gonna chose between you two". I said rolling my eyes. They both glared at me.

"She just doesn't want to hurt your feelings". Sonia said. Mira glared at her and they started arguing. Oh my god. I shook my head as I felt someone sit beside me.

"I'm sorry". Lucca whispered wrapping his arm around me. I just shrugged. "Baby. I didn't mean what I said. I just don't want you to worry about things". He said putting his face into the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry". He said softly pecking my neck.

Him and his temper.
I sighed but didn't say anything. I'm going to find out whatever he is hiding anyways.

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