Chapter 24

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**Lucca's POV**

I stared at the car parked in front of me, then back at the house before making my way to the front door. Before I can go anything, a young opened the door his mouth full of chips. I glared at him and He swallow the whole thing lowering his gaze.

"Umh. Can I help you?" He said looking around.

"Do you know Greg Amaro?". I asked coldly. He gulped.

"Umh. Yes that's my cousin". I said nervously. "Is something wrong?". He asked and I fought the urge to punch him. Obviously if I'm here, it's because there's something fucking wrong.

"Is he here?". I asked losing my patience.

"Umh no sir. He only came to visit yesterday left his car here". He said nervously. I can Tell he wanted me gone. Fucking bitch.

"And where is? Was He with a woman?". I snapped punching the wall near him.

"N... No woman sir. I d... don't know where He went sir". He stuttered like a fucking bitch.

I cursed and turned around leaving and I heard him close the door quickly.

I have been polite and calm for way too long. I walked up to Carl , punched in the stomach and twisted his arm.

"Two hours drive for shit!". I snapped loudly at him. "You fucking waisted my time again". I said punching him several times. He dropped in the floor spitting blood.

"Matt". I called and he ran to. "Take two men start looking from here. It was probably in his way since he stopped here". I ordered getting in my car. "And don't you dare take him in any of my cars". I snapped pointing at Carl. He nodded and speed off angrily.

Son of a bitch. I swear, I will find you and I will kill you. My little bitch of a wife will regret this. She will pay for humiliating me like this.
If she can't appreciate my love for her, then I will give the punishment she deserves.

My phone started ringing. I looked to see It was my parents again. I don't have time for their shit. No one can tell me how to treat my wife. I know hour to deal with so they better get their noses out of my business.

It's their fault if Samantha had too much power in this marriage. It's all their fault if she left me. That fucking lying bitch. She turned my parents against me and left with that son a bitch. There was no way I was letting her carry someone else's baby while still being married to me. I couldn't her humiliate me like that. I had to do something to take that little bastard out of her body. I didn't want her carrying someone else's child while she still had my name.
We were separated but not divorced yet. So she didn't have the right to love someone else when she still had my last name. She was still married to me. She had no right. And the son of a bitch left her because He thought that she got rid of their little bastard. I laughed at that. That's my fucking karma.
And She dared coming at my house insulting me about how much I destroyed her life and killing her little bastard. I just save my fucking name so after the divorce she could have gone to hell for all I cared.

But it's gonna be different this time. Sarah will submit or I will make her. She will act like a grown ass woman one way or another instead of running away from her problems like a little girl. I won't give the same freedom I have to the other bitch. I love her and she will love me back like the wife She should be.

**Sarah's POV**

After diner, Theo left and Mike went to bed. So the house was pretty calm. I just walked sighing. This place is so peaceful and beautiful.

After walking around the house, I walked in the living to see Greg alone with a glass in his hands using his phone.

"I thought you were sleeping". He said looking at me as I walked in. I shook my head. "Still thinking? It's a four hours drive to get here. You should give yourself a break. He won't barg in here right now okay. So don't worry". He assured me and I nodded.

"I can't help but think that his possessiveness can't be the only reason of his behaviour. I'm sure there's something more". I said. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"People just have different ways of dealing with their possessive side". He shrugged looking at me as I stood in front of the big window.

I stood there looking at him confused. "What do You mean?"

"I think some do it the crazy cave-man way like the psycho". He looked at me seriously. "But others do It the smart and calm way". He finished his drink and put his glass on the table.

"And which one are you? The crazy one or the calm one". I asked teasingly smiling.

"I usually don't lose control easily". He paused. "But let's say you are the woman". He said standing and walking toward me. "Then You became mine the moment you walked in this house. And then, the psycho would be working his ass off for nothing". He said looking into my eyes, his face inches from mine.

"Well you Sound like a psycho too you know". I laughed felling nervous because of the distance. He shrugged.

"Still water runs deep". He smirked backing away. "I thought you would have understood that by now". He said turning around and I shook my head at him.

"You're crazy". I chuckled.

"I've been told so". He nodded. "You should get some sleep now. It's already late. And I am going to bed soon too". I nodded.
"Goodnight". He whispered kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight". I whispered back and walked out of the living room smiling.

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