Chapter 43

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**Sarah's POV**

My eyes opened as I heard loud noises. I hissed and tried to sit up but I couldn't. I started crying again when the door opened with a Bang.

"Baby". I heard Lucca's deep voice say as he walked up to me. He took me in his arms. "Babygirl". He said softly putting his hand on my stomach then tensed.

"She took our baby, Lucca". I said weakly crying. "She said she was going at the airport". I said. "And I don't know how long I have been out". I cried as his eyes darkened. "Please you have to go".

"DANIEL". He yelled and Daniel and Ryan walked followed by other men.

"You have to go". I cried. "Bring him back please".

"Take her to the hospital". He said looking at his friend. "Please take care of her. She means everything to me". He said and Daniel nodded.

"I'll bring him back". He said softly me kissing me softly.

He stood up and walked out of the door followed by Ryan and other men.

There was four other men who stayed with Daniel and I. He picked me up and quickly walked out of the door.

**Lucca's POV**

That bitch! She's going to regret this. Leaving my wife in that shithole alone after giving birth and taking my son.
I felt myself getting angrier as I drive even faster.

"I got something". Ryan said. "The flight for Madrid. That's the one she's taking". He said as I groaned. "It's leaving in thirty minutes". He said.

"That bitch". I snapped hitting the steering wheel.

We got there fast and I parked the car getting out. "Find her and don't let her leave this place at any cost". I snapped and they all nodded.

**Ryan's POV**

At this point, my brother scares the crap out of me. I wouldn't want to be in Samantha's place. The bitch is so dead.
This side of Lucca is never good.

"There she is". Lucca said darkly giving a nod to his men around. I followed his gaze to see a redheaded woman with a baby in a car seat.

"How do you know it's her? Anyone could be with a baby". I said and he just kept his gaze on her.

"I know it's her. You should know that I am never wrong". He snapped and nodded to another man who approached her.
He said something to her and she looked at him confused. He said something again and she got up following him.

"This bitch is so dumb". Lucca chuckled humourlesly.

"That's because your men are good actors and liars. It's scary". I said as Samantha followed him outside.

Lucca smirked and followed them.

They walked in front of us then stop. She looked at the man confused then looked behind and her eyes widened.

"You've been played like a kid, Sammy". Lucca said darkly and his eyes landed on the baby in her arms.

He took a step toward her but she took one back.

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