Chapter 46

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**Sarah's POV**

I was woken up by baby cries.
"Your son is awake". I said sleepy and Lucca groaned and turned his back at me. What a sweet husband.

"He is yours until morning". He said and I sighed. I groaned and looked at the time. It was 3 a.m. I went to get up but he grabbed my hand.
"Just kidding. I got it". He said getting out of bed.

"Are you sure?". I asked incertain and he nodded.

"Yes". He said walking out of the room as the cries got louder.

I stayed in bed for a couple of minutes and Marco stopped crying. I trust Lucca with the baby but it won't hurt to go check on them.

I slowly got out of bed. I wore my Silk robe and walked out of the door.

I walked in Marco's room to a shirtless Lucca there, just standing in front of the crib staring at our sleeping baby. He looked deep in thoughts. I sighed softly knowing what he is thinking about and went to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and kissed his back.

"Are you okay?". I whispered and he sighed nodding lightly. I frowned.
"Lucca-". I started but he turned and gave a small smile.

"I'm fine". I whispered. "Come on". He said as we walked out of the room and to ours.
I got in bed and looked at him as he did the same.

"Lucca". I said and he looked at me. "I know what you're thinking about. I want it out of your head. You're nothing like him. You're a great father". I said and he sighed.

"I wasn't thinking about anything". He shrugged.

"Yes you were". I said. "I know that look on your face". He sighed and shook his head.
I sighed too.
"Come on". I said opening my arms. He looked at me confused. "I want to cuddle you". I said and he looked at me amused.
He was about to say something but I shook my head. "No. Come on". I said pulling on his hand.
He layed his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I will never hurt him, you know". He said after some time.

"I know". I said softly running a hand through his hair.

"I'm not the perfect husband, but I will be the best father for him". He said putting his face into the crook of my neck. "I will never hurt him. I promise".

"Lucca, you're a wonderful husband and a wonderful father". I said softly. "Don't think like that". I said hissing his head.


"Lucca". I chuckled putting Marco back in his crib after dressing him. "We are just going to see my parents. We are not going to a war". I smiled and he shook his head smiling and stood up. He picked Marco up again.

"He is so small". He chuckled. "Are you sure he is only two months old?". He said making me chuckle.

"Yes". I said looking them. "But he is not that small".
"When are you leaving for work?". I asked.

"After dropping you off". He said and I nodded closing the bag.

Marco started making little noises making me smile.


"My baby grandson". Miranda gasped running to me and taking Marco.

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