Chapter 7

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Sarah's POV

I groaned as I heard my alarm going off.

I always liked running early in the morning. Only when I'm in the mood. Nothing is harder than leaving my bed sometimes.

But Lucca's driver is pick me up at Seven thirty.

I went to the bathroom, took a shower, then went to my walk in closet and wear my running shorts, a black sports bra under my tank top and put my shoes on.
I looked at myself in the mirror and tied my hair into a ponytail.
I am not a super skinny person but I've always been confident with my body.

I went to the kitchen and quickly ate an apple and run to the door before Rona has the chance to yell at me to eat.
I slammed the front door and ran to the car laughing as I heard her yelling.
I could see Lucca's driver looking at me with an amused face.
I smiled at him before getting in the car and he closed the door. He started the car and I took my phone out. I saw a silly picture Hannah sent me and I laugh a little bit at it.

"You know ma'am, the boss is a totally different person around you". Mike said looking at me through the rear view mirror and smiling.
I looked at me confused. "I never saw him smile before you came into his life. I didn't even know it was possible". He said jokingly.

I laugh a little. "Well I don't even think that's good for him to always have that serious and cold expression on his face." I said smiling at him.
"But please call me Sarah. You're not that older than me and it makes me feel old". I said

He laughed."Alright Sarah".He said as we arrived and he parked the car.
The door opened and I got out to meet a shirtless Lucca looking right back at me.


I looked at him biting unconsciously my lower lip. He looked at them and I remember the kiss from yesterday. I blush and lowered my gaze.

"Hi". I said lowly hoping he would hear it.

"Hi". He said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him and closed the car door. I looked at him again.
"Why are you so shy all of a sudden?" He said smirking at me.
"What were you thinking about that made you blush like that?". He said planting kisses on my neck and my shoulder, then back to my neck. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from moaning.

I pushed him lightly. "Lucca stop. We are in public". I said looking around us.

"You prefer doing it when we are alone". He said looking at with a raised eyebrow and smirking. I gave him an angry face and he laughed at me.
"Alright. Let's go". He said.


"Alright. Enough. You're mean". I said pouting.

"But you're crazy and you know it. If you try to kill me, I will bring to the farther mental institute". He said pinching my cheek. I slapped his hand as he laugh.
"Alright let me take my phone in the other car". He said as he went to the black car.

"And he laughs?". A voice said. I turned around to see Mike smiling at me.
"What are you doing to him? " He said as I laugh at his face.

"What's so funny?". Lucca said coming toward us and looking hardly at Mike on the other side of the car. Mike's smile disappeared at Lucca's hard look on him.
If Lucca looked at me like that one day, I will die immediatly.

"Nothing special. Come on. let's go". I said pushing him in the car as I got in myself. Mike quickly got in the car too and start the car.

"W... Where... T... To s...s...sir" Mike said nervously.

"My house". Lucca said coldly to this poor guy.

"Aren't you dropping me off at my house". I said.

"Nope I asked Rona to take you clothes for the day". He said coldly not looking at me. I looked at him confused but he ignored my gaze.

We stopped in front of big gates a couple of minutes latre. They opened and we soon parked in front of a big mansion. It was a little bit bigger than ours. It was so elegant.

We went inside silently and he closed the door behind.

"Follow me". He said walking toward the stairs. We went in a bedroom where I can see clothes and others things that belongs to me on the bed.

"When did you get this close to my driver?". Lucca said closing the door behind him and looking at me as his jaw was clenched.

"What is your problem? Are you bipolar or something". I said rolling my eyes.

"Appart from telling him where you wanna go, I don't want you talking to him". He said as his eyes turned darker.

"Who do you think you are? You don't order me around like that. I can talk to whoever I want." I said getting angry myself.
Who does he think he is. He just chuckled darkly at me.

"I'm gonna make things clear". He said walking slowly toward me as I took a few steps back. "All this was maybe arranged."

My back hit the wall as he came even closer. "But you're mine now. Only mine. You are MY wife. There's no way out of this. You belong to me". He hissed in my ear. I shiver as he looks at me with his cold stare.
My heart was beating so fast. He then kissed my lips before heading out of the room leaving me there.

What the hell just hapenned?

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