Chapter 17

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So What? He is just gonna walk away like that? I don't think so. I followed him to the living room.

"Hey!". I said hitting his back. "What do you take me for?". I asked glaring af him. "I'm not gonna turn my back on my friends just because you want me to". He glared at me and was about to speak but I cut him off.
"No let me finish. You don't control my life Lucca Lombardi. You need to trust me". I said breathing heavily.
"He has more than a friend to me. He has always been like my brother. And you want me to turn my back on him? That's not happening. I'm not gonna tell him to leave me alone and even if you tell him to, that's not gonna stop me".

He just looked at me, his face emotionless. "I'm not Samantha. So you can't control everything I do".

He sighed and looked at me, his face still emotionless. "You do it or I will". His hand reach for my face but I slapped it away.

"I want to go home". I said turning around. "I can't stay like this".

"As you wish". He said taking his phone out, probably calling the pilot.

I want to go home because by the look of it, he would have no problem leaving me here.
But I don't care. Greg is my friend. He has always been there for me.
I don't want to upset Lucca but I still don't want to loose my friends.
I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. Time to pack.


I'm back home since yesterday and Lucca left me again. He left for work without a note or a text.
What is wrong with him?

I was snapped out of my thought by my phone rigging.
I was almost done with the book I was reading. I groaned frustrated. Can I kill someone?
I picked up.

"Hello?". I said irritated.

"Did you already start ignoring my text?". He said playfully.

"Greg". I laughed lightly. "I'm sorry. I just...".

"Relax. Just kidding". He chuckled making me smile.
"So since you're done with your book. What about you meet me at Jacky's restaurant". He said and I know he's smiling.
"Come one. It's been three years since the last we've been there".

"How do you I was reading?". I laughed.

"That's for me to know". He said. "Okay. I'm starving so move it". He said hanging up before I can answer.

Rude much?

I rolled my eyes, took my purse and car keys then walked out.
I got there and sighed smiling. I missed this place. I got out of my car and walked in. Greg was seating at our usual table. He saw me and got up smiling. I smiled back and hugged him.

"How are you?". He said hugging back.

"Good. You?". I asked sitting down. He just shrugged smiling.
"You mean that you're still Greg. Like Greg. No girls. No crush. No woman?". I asked.

"Of course, there are women but nothing serious. They are not what I want". He said smiling at me.

"Don't worry. You're twenty seven. You Will find the perfect woman, grandpa". I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Shut up". He said pulling my hair a little.

"No you shut up". I slapped his hand away.

"So how is Mr. Grumpy?". He asked as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"He is not grumpy". I paused. "Well not everyday". I sighed.

"Is everything alright?". He asked seriously. What can I Tell him?

"Yes. Everything is fine". I smiled. What can I say. Hey Greg, my husband hates your guts? No way.

"He hates my guts". He said making my eyes widen. He laughed lightly. "I saw It at my parent's anniversary". He smirked.

"He doesn't really hate you, Greg". I sighed. "He's just...". He smirked waiting for my answer and laughed.

"Yeah I get it. But it doesn't matter. But you know I will always be there right?". He looked at me intently.
"Don't worry about the time. Just call me if you need anything". He smiled.
I nodded.

We continued talking until he started looking at something behind me. His expression hardened. I turned and my heart stopped when I saw Lucca walking toward us looking at us hardly. What is He doing here? I'm sure that's not the kind of place He is used to.

"Lucca". I said standing up as He looked at me sternly then back at Greg who was also up standing up his eyes darkening as He also stared at Lucca.
"You remember Greg". Oh god.

What is happening here? I thought Greg would flinch at Lucca's hard stare but je just stared back with the same hard expression. I feel like none of them wants to look away first because of their stupid egos.

"Lucca. Let's go home". I said pulling on his arm but he just stood there.

"Stay away from her". He said to Greg who just put his hand casually in suit pant pocket.
"She's my wife".

"Only if she asks me". He said smirking but his eyes were still defying him which seem to anger Lucca even more.

"Okay. Please Lucca, let's go". I said but he didn't look at me. I turned to Greg.
"Greg?". I said. He looked at me and his expression soften.
"It was Nice to see You again". I said and Lucca grabbed my arm wanting to drag me out of the restaurant. We went outside and He pushed me inside the car slamming the door shut.

**Greg's POV**

I watched them walk out of the restaurant as I fought the urge to go give him a peace of my mind for dragging her around Like she's some fucking doll. I took my phone and called a friend of mine.

"Amaro". He said cheerfully. "What can I do for my dear friend". He said making me roll my eyes.

"Find me informations about Lucca Lombardi". I said as I watched them drive away.

**Sarah's POV**

We got inside the house as my heart was pounding against my chest. He slammed the door and before I know, He had his hand around my neck and slammed me against the wall. I was shocked and looked at him with big eyes. His eyes were dark.

"I told to stay away from him, didn't I?". He said as He grip around my neck tighten choking me.

"Lucca. What are You doing? Stop". I said trying to push him away but but his grip only tightened.

"Why don't You listen?". He asked darkly. "Unh? I only asked ask for one thing. One simple thing and you didn't listen". I was crying by now gasping for air.

"Please". I said my voice weak.

"I won't let You humiliate me again". He said tightening his grip. That's the last thing I Heard before everything went black.

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