Chapter 38

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**Sarah's POV**

I walked in the building. People greeted me as I walked straight to the elevator. Nothing has changed since the last time. I walked in the elevator and sighed before pressing the button.
When it stopped, I walked out and made my way to his office.

"Sarah". Someone said cheerfully. I chuckled and turned around. Patrick pulled me into a quick hug and I smiled.

"It's been a while". I smiled and he nodded. "How is Jo?". I asked and He blushed lightly. "You're blushing. Looks like everything is good". I smirked.

"Yeah. Shut up". He smiled raising an eyebrow. "Are you here to see the boss?". He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "No I'm here for grocery shopping". I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Sarcastic ass". He said chuckling. "Sexy boss is in his office. And yes He is alone. And No he is not busy". He said.

I smiled and thanked him before walking to the office. I knocked and walked in. He looked at me as I closed the door and I walked up to him and sat on the chair in front on his desk. I sat down as he stared at me leaning back.

"Hello?". He said raising a eyebrow.

I glared at him. "Hello?". I snapped. "Hello? That's all you're gonna say?". I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's been days". I snapped. "Hello to yourself".

He looked at me amused. I glared at him even more.

"You think this is funny? I've work my ass off to make my parents forgive you. I forgave for a lot of things and YOU, will just not let me explain when I'm telling you that nothing happened with Greg". I said and he went to get up. "Sit your italian ass down now. I'm not done talking". I snapped and he sat back down still looking amused. "Stop looking at me like that. You think this is funny. I did NOT kiss him. I didn't know He will and -". He cut me off.

"I know". He said. I looked at him confused. "I know". He repeated. "But it was better for me to leave. I was just angry. I never said it was your fault". He said standing up and came in front of me. He leaned against the table and stared at me. "I've tried my best not to finish the fucker. I'm still trying hard and my temper is still fucked up. I didn't want to do something I would regret.". He took my hand and pulled me toward him.
"I'm sorry". He said and I stood there staring at him. I sighed. He pushed my hair back and looked at me intently.

"Do you have worries?". He asked and I frowned.

"About What?". I asked.

"Us". He simply said. I shook my head No. "Do you have doubts?". He asked again.

"No". I answered honestly.

"Good". He smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer. "Because either way you're stuck with me". He said pecking the base of my neck.

"You're a jerk". I said.

"I know". He said still kissing my neck.

"I hate you". I snapped.

"Of course you do". He said and I felt him smirk. I pulled away and glared at him.

"You are not taking me seriously". I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"I am". He chuckled and I couldn't help but smile. "Will you let me finish him?". He asked and I shook my head. "I mean without you getting mad".

"No". I said. "I think you've hit him enough the other day".

"That doesn't change anything". He said kissing my cheek.

He pressed his lips against mine and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me hard and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I was traumatized by Greg's kiss but right now, it's like it never existed as he pulled me even closer and deepened the kiss.
He pulled away pulling on my lower lip and went to my neck. He gave light kisses making me moan softly. He kissed harder, sucking and biting on my neck as I let out a strangled moan making him smirk.
He pulled away and smirked at the hickey he, without a doubt, left.

"Much better". He said pushing my hair back and smiled in satisfaction looking at my neck. He cleared his throat and I looked at him.

"Can I beat the shit out of him?". He asked again.

"No". I shook my head.

"I already started the other day. Let me finish". He said and I shook my head again.

"No". I repeated. He sighed and kissed my lips.

"Then you better hope that I don't see him". He said and I sighed.

"I will talk to him". I said.

"No". He snapped. "I think you've been around him way enough". He said clenching his jaw.

"You know, I will eventually have to see him again". I said softly and his expression didn't soften. "Our parents are friends and he is Sonia's brother".

"That doesn't mean you have to be alone with him or that he has to always be around you". He said hardly. I shook my head.

"You need to stop with the jealousy". I sighed.

"I have every rights to be". He snapped.

"Lucca". I said softly wrapping my arm around his neck. "You need to trust me". I said pecking his lips.

"I trust you. But I don't trust the fucker". He snapped again and I chuckled.

"Stop calling him that". I said shaking my head.

"It's the truth". He smiled touching my hair. Then I felt my stomach growl.

"I know now is not the time but I'm hungry". I said frowning. He chuckled and stood up.

"Me too. Let's go". He said taking my hand as I grabbed my purse.


"Your eyes, off my wife". Lucca snapped at the poor waiter who dropped his gaze.
He took our orders and walked away quickly.

I chuckled and Lucca glared at me. "You think this is funny?". He asked and I shook my head trying not to laugh.

Déjà vu, I thought.

"One day, I will rip a waiter's eyes off because of you". He said still angry. I rolled my eyes still smiling.

"And you need relax baby". I smiled and his eyes narrowed even more.

"I could be relaxed if you tattooed my name on your forehead". He said. And my eyes widened at how serious he looked. "Just kidding". He chuckled. "Or not". He added in a whisper.

"You, my friend, are crazy". I said rolling my eyes.

"And who's fault is that?". He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

The waiter came back with our drinks. Lucca kept glaring at the poor Guy. He quickly put out drinks on the table and ran back.

"Stop. You're making him nervous". I said angrily and he just shrugged.

"So?". He smirked. I massaged my temple chuckling.

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