Chapter 27

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**Sarah's POV**

"Positive". The fifth pregnancy test said.

"Oh No". I whispered as I heard Mira and Sonia walk in the bathroom. They looked at them and gasped.

"Congratulations". Mira said hugging me tightly. I looked at her confused.

"It is Lucca's". I said looking at her. She shrugged and rolled her eyes as we walked back to my room.

"Kill me if You want". She said sitting on my bed. "But I still like him". She said and Sonia sat on the carpet looking at her. "Oh come on". She laughed. "Don't look at me like that". She pointed at the two of us.

"You're crazy". Sonia whispered. She turned to me. "Are you gonna tell him?". She asked and Mira put her hand on his mouth.

"The real question is, are You really going to divorce him?". She said and Sonia slapped her hand away. Sonia looked at me too.

No one has ever asked me this question and now I don't even know if I trully want to.

"I don't know". I cried and Mira hugged me, so did Sonia.

"You love him, don't you". Sonia asked pulling away. I lowered my head.

"What am I gonna do?". I asked whipping my tears away. "It's been three days and I have to sign the papers in two days". I started crying again.

Someone knocked at my door and my eyes widened as I quickly whipped my tears away.
The door opened and Miranda walked in smiling at the three of us.

"Sarah, your father needs to talk to you in his office". She smiled. I nodded and looked at the girls.

"I'll be right back". I whispered and walked out of the room.

I knocked and opened the door without waiting for am answer.

"Honey, come on". He said walking to the couch. I sat down and He sighed taking a seat beside me. "Lucca is out". He said and my eyes widened. What?
"Don't panick. At least until the trial". He said frustrated. "But don't worry, the judge told him to stay away from you". He said kissing my forehead. I nodded. "Were you crying, princess?". He asked worried and I shook my head. Looks like He didn't believe but it doesn't matter.
"You can go now". He smiled and walked out.

I ran up to my room and opened the door. "He's out". I said making their eyes widen.

**Lucca's POV**

I was in my office and I couldn't think straight. What the fuck did this woman do to me? I sighed getting up and walked to the big glass wall. Stupid judge. How am I supposed to talk to her if I have to stay away?  Stupid asshole.

In two days, I will have to sign those stupid papers and I will watch her sign them, which is worse. Fuck! That Amaro boy, if I get my hands on him, he is gonna pay for all of this.

**Sarah's POV**

I looked at myself again.
"Everything's gonna be fine Sarah". Sonia came beside. "We will be here when you come back". She said pointing at Mira sleeping.

"Thank you". I said with a weird voice for crying almost all night. I hugged her.

"Anything for you". She whispered.

"Sarah". Miranda said walking in the bathroom. "It's time". She said softly. I nodded fighting my urge to cry. I took my purse and we walked out of the room.

My dad was already in the car when we got in.
"And don't worry Sarah. All you have to so is listen to the judge, he will tell you What happens and the conditions, then you sign the papers". I nodded.
"Lucca will be there". My eyes widened. "But he  won't do anything with the judge beside you. The lawyers did What they had to do. The contract is clean this time". I nodded. "Just relax. Everything's gonna be fine baby". He said. I nodded again and looked out at the window.

We got there and walked inside the building. I was so nervous. I felt like running out. I was litterally shaking.

Everything's gonna be fine. I kept repeating at myself.

"Mrs. Lombardi". A woman said making my heart skip a beat. "This way, please". She said and I looked at my parents as I started panicking.

Miranda hugged me. "Just relax. Everything l'a gonna be fine". She whispered. "We will be here waiting for you". I nodded and my dad kissed my forehead before I followed the lady.

We walked inside the office and I stopped when I saw him there sitting in front of the judge. He looked up at me and I felt like running out again.

"Mrs. Lombardi". The Man said walking up to me extanding his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you". I shook his hand as I could still feel Lucca's eyes on me. Why is that everyone keeps calling me that?
"Please take a seat. We Will start". He said pointing at the chair beside Lucca.

I nervously walked there and sat down. Oh my god. Please lord, help me!

The Man started talking and Lucca turned his gaze to him but I could still feel him looking at me every now and then.

"That's all. I guess". He finished after some time and turned the folder to me.

"Alright, ladies first". He sighed. "You Will sign here". He said giving me the pen as I nodded. "And after Mr. Lombardi has signed, you no longer will be married". He said and I froze.

My heart started beating so fast. I couldn't help the sob that escaped and tears started dropping. I dropped the pen on the contract. I put my hand on my mouth to calm myself down but I couldn't.

I suddenly felt a hand on my back and another around my waist as I was pulled into a hug. I couldn't help but wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged me tighter and burried his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm so sorry". I heard him whisper.

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