Chapter 28

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**Sarah's POV**

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY". I was woken by my two wonderful friends. I groaned and turned sleeping again until they started jumping on my bed. "GET UP". Mira yelled. "You have to. It's five p.m and called weeks ago So the restaurant would be empty today. It's just gonna be us and our friends. Come on".

When I didn't answer, she hit ne with a pillow.

"What the hell? I'm two months pregnant. Don't fucking hit me". I glared at her. She rolled her eyes. "And I said I didn't want a party".

"It's not a party. It's dinner with just a few people. You're twenty-three, single, beautiful and pregnant. Get your fat ass out of bed". She said hitting me with the pillow again.

"Fuck you". I snapped getting out of bed to take a shower as I heard Sonia laugh at us.

It's been three weeks since my divorce. And honestly, I'm not happy nor am I sad. I don't even know how to feel. Lucca has been calling and texting but I didn't take him.

I took a shower and walked out to a smiling Mira but I just glared at her. She rolled her eyes and started doing her makeup.


When we were done, Mira litterally pushed us out of the door. What is wrong with this woman?

I rolled my eyes and we walked to my car. I slided on the driver seat, Sonia on the passenger and Mira on the back, as usual. But she will always be complaining. I started the car and we drove to the restaurant.

We got there and walked out. We went inside and I saw my closest friends, even Theo, Mike and Greg.

"Happy birthday". They all said loudly and I smiled feeling akwardly. Oh god. I hate this feeling. I don't know how to react in this kind of situation.
They came and hugged me. Then Mike, being Mike, pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I hugged Theo and then Greg.

"Happy birthday". He said softly. I smiled and thanked him. "You look ravishing". He smirked looking at me from head to toe and I smiled turning my head to hide the stupid blush creeping on my face.
He chuckled and I glared at him.

"Okay. Let's eat before anything. I'm starving". Mira said walking to the table. We laughed and sat down ordering.

After dinner, Mira started playing the bartender making drinks. While everyone was talking and laughing. Some were even drunk. Okay then.

I was sitting with Mike, Theo, Greg, Sonia and Steven her boyfriend.

"Sarah. Did take the Canon with You?". Mira asked as She was behind the counter making drinks. "I hate taking pictures with phones".

"Nope. It's in the car. I'll go Get it". I said getting up and walking to the door.

"Wait. I'll go with you. It's dark outside". Greg said getting up. I nodded taking my car keys and He followed me outside.

I was really dark, he's right. It's almost midnight. I opened the door and saw the canon. I took but Mira's other pictures fell.

"Ugh". I groaned and started picking them up. Greg chuckled and started helping me.

"Oh god". He laughed and I looked at him confused. He showed me a picture of a naked man. I laughed knowing how Mira is. "You don't seem surprise". He chuckled.

"When Mira is taking pictures, She doesn't have any limits". I laughed. "This Guy was a waiter in a restaurant. We were having lunch and She just asked him if She could take pictures of him naked. Then the next day, She was taking pictures of trees".  I finished and He looked at me amused then shook his head.

He gave them to me and I put them back. "She's special". He laughed.

We were interrupted by someone clapping. We turned around to see someone walking toward us. I couldn't see who it was until He came in front us. My heart skipped a beat.

"Having fun I see". Lucca said darkly glaring at us. "You didn't waist any time Sarah". He snapped glaring and I gasped at his eyes. They were empty, almost lifeless. "Are you enjoying yourself?". He said and I saw something shine in his hand making me gasp. A gun.
Greg must have noticed it too because he came in front of me.

"It's her birthday". Greg said calmly. "Don't ruin this for her". He said and Lucca laughed humourlesly.

"Her birthday?". He laughed again. "You're celebrating your birthday with him?". He asked still laughed humourlesly. "Shouldn't you be doing that with your husband?". He asked and I kept quiet. "ANSWER ME!" He yelled making me jump.

"Don't fucking yell at her. She is not your wife. And there are people inside". Greg snapped. "Now you better put that gun d...". But Lucca cut him off.

"You!". He pointed his gun at Greg making my eyes widen. "All this shit is because of you, we were doing pretty before You came". He snapped.

"Lucca, please. Calm down". I said trying to walk to him but Greg stopped.

"STOP FUCKING TOUCHING HER!". Lucca yelled. "I'll fucking kill you, everything will be easier". He said tightening his grip on his gun and he walked closer.

"NO!". I yelled running up to him ignoring Greg's hand trying to stop. I took Lucca's hand tight trying to put the gun. "Lucca, please. You're not a murderer". I said as I could feel Greg arm around me trying to push me away without annoying Lucca. "Lucca, please l..."

BANG! My eyes widened. BANG! I looked at Lucca with teary eyes as I found it harder to breath. Lucca looked panicked as he took steps back.

I fell and I felt arms around me. "Sarah!". I Heard Greg yell panicked.

I Heard fainted voices. "Call 911. Now!!". He yelled. "Sarah. Stay with me". Greg said his voice Breaking at the voice as I felt him put pressure to stop the blood. I felt like sleeping So I started closing my eyes. "No! Please. Sarah. Don't close your eyes. Please. Stay with me".
"Please. Please". That's the last thing I Heard. I couldn't help it. Then everything went black.


"Lucca, please. Wait. Don't leave. Please. You can't drive like this. You're drunk". She yelled running after him.

"Fuck off Claudia". Lucca snapped walking out of his office. "Enough".

"Please. Honey, wait. Calm down". She said shaking still following. "Why are you like this?". She said grabbing him by his shirt.

"I said Enough". He yelled backhanding making the woman fall over the banister.

A loud scream was Heard then everything went silent. Lucca stared wide eyed at the banister in front of him.

"Claidia". He called softly but No answer. He slowly walked and looked over the banister at his wife's lifeless body.


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