Chapter 29

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**Lucca's POV**

No. No. No. It happened again. I didn't mean it. I don't want to kill her. I love her. I don't know why the gun went off. I didn't mean it.
Sarah, please No. Don't hate me please. I didn't mean it.
I've killed Claudia and now Sarah. And they think I killed Samantha's boyfriend.
All of this is driving me crazy, I've work my ass for my company. I didn't steal money from anyone. Fuck all of them. All of this I have it because I worked for it.

I slided against the wall. I didn't even realise the tears coming from my eyes.

Sarah. I kept repeating myself. I didn't mean it. I'm not a murderer. I'm not a murderer. I'm not a murderer.

I took my phone called my brother.

"Lucca". He said. "I found everything for the trial".

"Call doctor Garido. Tell him to meet me as soon as possible". I said my voice sounding weird.

"Garido the psychiatrist?". He asked shocked. "What for?".

"Just call him". I said and hung up.

**Greg's POV**

Sarah has in surgery and now She has been out for three days and the trial is tomorrow. We are still waiting. Miranda was crying her eyes out.

"Why didn't tell us that She was pregnant?". She cried. "Why?".

When Sonia said she was pregnant while the doctor was taking her away. To say I was shocked would be an understatment. Why didn't she tell anyone.

"Sarah Dantes". The doctor said and we all got up.

"How is she doctor?". Joseph asked.

"She's fine. It's was hard but she made it. I wish I could say the same for her child". He said Sonia started crying again. Miranda just sat shocked but relieved along with Mira. "But She is up now". He finished.

"Can we see her?". Sonia asked.

"Yes. But only one person at the time". He smiled walking away.


They all went and I finally walked in to see her laying there. Her skin pale.

She turned to me smiling. "Hey". She said softly.

"Hey". I said sitting down beside her.

"The doctor told me about the baby". She sighed.

"Are you okay?". I asked and She nodded.

"Yes. I'm fine".

"Liar". I said and She looked at me confused. "You're not fine". He paused. "I just wanted to know how much of a good liar you are".

She laughed softly and quickly whipped the tears that was escaping.

"I don't want him to know". She said and I looked at her confused. "I don't want Lucca to know about the baby".

"Why not? He killed it". He snapped.

"I saw the look in his eyes. He didn't mean it. He was panicked and shocked. A murderer can't have the look I saw in his eyes". I was about to protest but She cut me off.
"He needs help. And this will destroy him. I don't want him to know. Promise me and tell everyone". She said and I sighed nodding.

"Are you sure?". I asked again. "The trial is tomorrow you know".

"Yes, He is not bad. I know that". I nodded. "I know the Caring Man I know is still there. We just need to bring him back".


As I expected, it was a private trial. We spent Hours in this. But the lawyer seems to be putting down all our evidences.

"Because of new documents brought to this court, We came to a conclusion. Mr. Lombardi, for money laundering and fraud, innocent, for the murder of Leonardo Sanchez, innocent, for the murder of Claudia Vasquez, it was involontary. And for Sarah Dantes, there was No pressure applied, the fingerprints found on the detonator proved it. And according to the psychiatrical test results you did willingly with Doctor Michel Garido, you will be sectionned in a mental institute for the time chosen by your psychiatrist and you will take anger management classes". The judge said.
"The court is adjourned". He finished and left the room.

I looked at him to see him just seating there. He looked up at me and there's no anger in his eyes anymore. His brother was smiling relieved along with his lawyers but He just sat there. Then He was taken away.


"You are a Man Lucca, then kill it". His father snapped at the 10 years old boy. "Kill the fucking dog or you'll be locked up in the basement again". He said at the shaking.

"But papa, mama said t...". He was cut off.

"Are you listening to a woman". He snapped. "You're a Man. You will do big things in Life but only of you're willing to take risks".

"Bu... But mama said t...". His father punched the boy hard making him let out a cry. He pushed him again.

"What are you doing?". The woman yelled running to her son and picked him up. The boy burried his face in the crook of his mother's neck and cried. "Why are you doing this? He is a child". He found the courage to say defending her son. The Man slapped her hard and tried taking the boy from her but She turned. "No. Stop". She cried and turned around.

She ran inside the house holding her son in her arms. "Don't worry Mi amor, I Will take you away from him". She said softly putting her son in the bed. "The Man I'm working for promised to help us. He is very Nice". She kissed his forehead. "His name is Mr. Lombardi and He Will help us". She said and the boy nodded. "Mr. Lombardi will save us".

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