Chapter 30

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***** 6 months later*****

**Sarah's POV**

"Sarah, I don't think it's a good". Miranda as I took my purse. "You're still weak". She said as I smiled at her getting out of my room And walking toward the stairs.

"I'm very fine. I don't feel anything". I said as we walked down the stairs.

"Sarah. It's a really bad idea". She said panicked. I sighed again.

"What's going on?". My father asked as we walked in the living room.

"She wants to go see him". She said dramatically as she looked like She was about to cry. My father looked at me with wide eyes.

"Have you lost your mind?". He asked walking up to me.

"No. I want to see how He is. I haven't Heard anything of him for months". I dropped my gaze to the floor.

"Because it's none of your concern anymore". He snapped. "He tried to kill you". He said pointing at me.

"He didn't mean it". I said my voice getting louder.

"How can you be So sure about that?". He asked getting angry.

"I know he is not a killer. He didn't kill his ex wife's lover". I snapped. "You did a trial for nothing. Because He didn't do any of the things on your list". I said running a hand through my hair.

"He kill his first wife!". He yelled.

"He didn't mean that". I sighed and took my car keys.

"Of course". He said sarcastically. I sighed.

"I'm not gonna turn my back on him. He needed help and he took this decision himself because He wants to be a better person. He is brave for that". I said getting frustrated.

"He's getting help. You don't have to go". He sighed.

I sighed and walked out.

I got in my car and drove. Since none of them wanted to tell me about the trial. I called Ryan, Lucca's brother and He told me everything, along with Lucca's past. Guilt again, that's what I felt. He suffered so much with his father. So Ryan's mom died giving birth to him.

Everything changed that night. When I was shot, I saw the look in his eyes. He looked vulnerable, panicked.

I sighed when I parked my car and stared at the building in front of me. I sighed and stared at it as my heart started beating faster. Ryan said He was making big efforts and progress but I'm still scared.

I got out of my car and started walking when my name was called. I turned around and saw Ryan. I smiled at him and He smiled back greeting me.

"So you came". He sighed and I smiled nodding.
"He'll be happy to see. He has only been talking about you". He said and my heart melt at that. What the fuck? Stupid heart.

"Really?". He nodded still smiling.

"My parents just left and So I was leaving too". He said. "But you can go. Just give your name and they will let you in". He said and I nodded thanking him.

We said our goodbyes and I turned around walking inside.

**Greg's POV**

I can't believe She went to see him. What is wrong with her? So we did all of this for nothing. What was She thinking?

I was shocked when Sonia and Mira told me She wasn't hanging out with them today because She went to visit Lucca. Why would She do that? Did She already forget He almost killed her.

**Sarah's POV**

I took a deep breath and knocked with shaking hands.

"Come in". His deep voice said.

I took seconds before opening the door. I walked in the room to find him seating on a the couch reading a book.

I closed the door behind me and He looked up at me. The look on his face was certainly worth the fight with my dad.

"Sarah". He said softly like He couldn't believe it as his face lit up. I walked up to him as he started getting up.

He smiled big and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist like He was asking for permission then hugged me tighter.

"You came". He said softly as I felt my tears coming out. "You came to see me". He repeated hugging me even tighter. I laughed lightly pulling away and wiping my tears. He looked at me and wiped my tears away resting his hand in my cheek. I smiled as he took my other hand and kissed It.

"How are you?". I smiled making him Seat on the couch again as I sat in front of him on the low table.

"Good". He said taking my hand in his. "I wanted to call you but they were being brats asking me to give you space". He sighed making me laugh. Tears started dropping again. "I made you cry". He said softly. "I almost killed you. I'm sorry". He said looking down at our interlocked hands. He didn't look into my eyes since I walked in here.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm fine". I said cupping his face as he looked at me. "Now I know that two bullets aren't enough to kill me So I'm safe". I laughed. He laughed softly too wiping my tears again.

"I'm making big progress you know. Garido said I will be able to come out sooner than expected". He said and I nodded. "Maybe in a couple of months". He said looking at me. I now realised how different his eyes are. They are brighter and full of Life. He seemed more relax.

"I'm very proud of you". I said. "Are you still the ruthless business man even when you're here?". I teased and He laughed.

"Of course. Who do you think I am? I'm still making all the decisions". He smirked at me leaning back. "I'm not gonna leave all my work in Ryan's hand". He said running a hand through his hair. "He gives me full reports all the time". I looked at him raising an eyebrow. "Hat to make Ryan fire some people."

"You're incorrigible". I rolled my eyes. He shrugged smirking at me.

"Nope. They are incorrigible. But don't worry, I'm working on it". He said and I shook my head again laughing.

"I need to show you my recent test results". He said getting up excitedly. "Apparently, I'm being less crazy and psychotic". He joked.

"Idiot". I mumbled laughing.

"I Heard that". He said loudly opening the drawer and taking the test out. I laughed and He walked back to me smiling.

He sat on the couch and made me take a seat beside him as He explained his progress making sure I was listening to his every words.

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