Chapter 35

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***6 months***

**Sarah's POV**

"She'so excited and nervous. She's like a little girl". Sandra laughed walking in my room. I laughed.

"That's so weird for us". I shook my head as She sat down and started curling her hair while I was straightening mine.

My parents are getting married today. Well they were legally married and they never did it with a preacher. So Miranda wanted to do it so here we are.
But they are getting married in the garden because She also wanted to do it in the house. She didn't want something to formal.

"And some guests are already here". She sighed. "I'm so glad Cathy is finally sleeping". She continued curling her hair. Cathy is her daughter. She gave birth months ago.

"Poor Mama. Only a couple of month and already complaining". I pouted teasing her and She glared at me.

"I would like to see you in my shoes". She narrowed her eyes even more. "Bitch". She mumbled. I chuckled straightening the last peace of hair.

"Bitch you too". I said getting up and walking behind her. "Let me help you. We don't have all day". I said taking the curling iron and finishing her hair.

I finished and we did our makeup. I finished before her again and started walking to my closet.

"Your outfit is the one in the chair and mine is on the bed". She said. "Miranda picked them herself". She sighed. I nodded.

I got dressed and wore nude colour heels. I walked out to see Sandra getting dressed too.

"You're done". She asked and I nodded. "Can you go Check on Cathy please?". I nodded and walked out of the room.
I went to her room and opened the door silently to see Cathy still asleep. I sighed and walked toward the big window and look at the garden.

Everything was so beautiful. There's white roses everywhere. She spent days taking care of everything. Apparently, that's her dream wedding and it's beautiful.
On the other side of the garden, there was a big tent where the reception would be held. Everything was just perfect.

My thoughts were interrupted by an arm around my waist and a hand on my mouth to cover my gasp.

"Sshh. You wouldn't want to wake the baby up, would you". He whispered kissing my cheek and shoulder taking his hand out of my mouth.

"So stop acting like a psycopath". I smiled turning around. "You scared me". I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Sorry". He grinned not looking apologetic at all. "You look beautiful". Lucca said kissing my lips. He wanted to deepen the kiss but I pulled away glancing at the baby. He chuckled.

"How was your business trip?". I asked and He sighed. "You have been on a vacation for too long". I chuckled and took his hand walking toward the door silently. "You came out only a month ago".

"I know". He sighed grabbing my waist and pulling toward him.
"I missed you". He said giving light kisses on my neck and shoulder pushing my hair to the side.

"I missed you too". I smiled. "Even if you've been in Greece for only a week and I don't think it's enough for me to miss you". I teased. I yelped when He bites my neck. "Ow". I said putting my hand there. "That hurts". He grinned and kissed my lips again. He parted my lips my pulled me closer shoving his tongue in my mouth.

"Hey, you two. You can love each other later. Mom is ready". I Heard Sandra's annoying voice. I rolled my eyes and She chuckled making her way downstairs.

"I'm twenty-two and assisting at my parents wedding. How weird is that?". I smiled and He shook his head chuckling before grabbing my waist as we made our way down the stairs.

We walked downstairs and I greeted Lucca's family before we made our way to the garden.
Lucca and I took our Seat in the front next to Sandra and Nick. The preacher walked in followed by my dad.

I chuckled at my dad's face. He hates being the center of attention. That's probably why they didn't get married in a Church back then.
He looked at Sandra then at me smiling. I smiled back and the bridemaids, which were Miranda's two bestfriends and cousin, started walking in.


After the ceremony, we all made our way inside the tent. It's even more beautiful inside.

"Sarah". I Heard Sonia. She pulled me into a hug and I smiled. I saw Greg, hugged him too and pulled away smiling. Lucca grabbed my waist pulling Closer to him giving a nod at Greg who returned it. Well that's not awkward at all.
Greg went to congratulate my parents and then Lucca kissed my cheek and went to find his brother.

"That is so weird". Sonia laughed. I chuckled too nodding. "Did Mira call You?". She asked as we walked to our table.

"Yep. And she's enjoying her vacation in Hawaii". I shook my head. "Wait. I'll right back. I need my phone to sens her pictures. She will regret missing this". I said and she nodded smiling.

I walked out of the tent and went back inside the house. I walked to my dad's office where I left my phone. I opened the door and walked in closing it behind me. I took my phone and turned it on when the door opened and closed again. I turned around to find Greg there.

"Hey". I smiled.

"Hey". He said softly sounding weird. I looked at him confused.

"Are You okay?". I asked and He looked at me.

"Are You sure about this?". He asked and I looked at him even more confused. "Are You sure You want to get back to him again?". He asked and I sighed nodding.

"Yes, I'm sure. I love him and I want to be with him". I said and He just stood there looking at me.

"And you just agreed to marry him again?". He asked raising an eyebrow and walking up to me.

"Yes. Like I said, I love him". I stated taking a few steps away from him. I don't want any misunderstanding.

"Sarah. I just don't want You to make the same mistake again". He said taking my hand and trying to pull me closer to him.

I took my hands away. "Stop. We've already talked about this". I sighed. "The doctor said He was okay now". I shook my head. "Let's go back to the party". I said turning around but He grabbed my arm again.
"Stop touching me". I said pulling my arm out of his grip. "I'm marrying him no matter what. So stop". I said getting frustrated and walking out of the door.

What is wrong with him?

Forced marriage (Lombardi family book#1)Where stories live. Discover now