Chapter 25

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**No one's POV**

"I've found what you wanted". The man said as Joseph took a seat in front of him. "Like I told You already, Sarah is not his second but his third wife". He said making Joseph's eyes widen.

"What?". He asked in disbelief. "How come no one told me about this?". He said getting angry by the seconds. "Where is the woman?".

"She went missing ten years ago". He sighed. "The police said she was dead, but there's no body found". He shook his head.

Joseph looked at him confused. "How can You know all of this?". He asked.

"Claudia, Lucca Lombardi's first wife, was my sister". He said making Joseph's eyes widen. "And she was trying to get the divorce when she suddenly disappeared". He paused. "And I know a way to get your daughter out of this".

**Lucca's POV**

I was sitting on my chair looking at Joseph and his fucker of a lawyer.

"You want me to cancel the contract? Not happening". I smirked at them. Does He really think I am gonna do it just because He is asking me to?

Joseph sighed and nodded at his lawyer. He walked to my desk put documents on it making me look at him confused.

"Money laundering, fraud, complaint from your ex-wife for the murder of her lover, Leonardo Sanchez, hidden disappearance of Claudia Vasquez along with her real identity, Illegal changing of contracts". He paused taking a step back. "These are evidences of all your crimes. And a lot of your ex business partners are willing to testify against you". He finished making my jaw tightened as I fought the urge to break his neck.

Joseph walked closer sighing. "We do it the easy way or the hard way". He paused. "But either way, my daughter is free". He said walking to the door. "It's over Lucca". He walked out followed by his lawyer.

I looked at the door not being able to move. That bastard really wants to take me down. That son of a bitch. I looked at the documents and my jaw tightened even more. Where the fuck did they find this. Who gave this to them? Do I have a traitor? Did someone betrayed me?
It's not over yet.

I pulled my phone out and called Ryan, my brother.

"Brother?". He answered after two rings.

"We have a problem". I leaned back against my chair.

**Sarah's POV**

"SARAH!". Mike barged into my room waking me up. Who has that energy in the damn morning? I groaned trying to get back to sleep.
"Your father found a way to get you of this shit". He said making me sit up quickly.

"What?". I asked shocked. "How?". He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Get ready. Greg will tell you everything". He walked toward the door. "And fast. I was waiting for you for breakfast and I'm starving. So get your ass out of bed". He said making me glare at him as He walked out of the room.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I ran downstairs and walked straight to the kitchen to find Greg sitting on one of the stools and Mike making breakfast.

"Good morning". I said walking up to them.

"Good morning". Greg said smiling.

"Finally". Mike said giving me a plate. I thank him and sat down. We both sat in front of Greg.

"Aren't you gonna eat?". I asked and He shook his head.

"I never eat breakfast". He sighed.

"I told You he was weird". Mike whispered making me chuckle and Greg glared at him.

"So what did my father find?". I asked looking at Greg.

"Things that will get you away from the psycho. You are not forced to stay with him". He said making me look at him.

"What kind of things?". I asked curious to know more.

"Things that could bring his company down and get him arrested". He said making me drop my fork. Mike looked at me surprised but Greg just had a blank face.

"He can go to jail?". I asked my eyes widening. "But why? What did he do?".

"Fraud, illegal actions, and we have reasons to believe that He has something to do with his first wife's disappearance". He said running a hand through his hair.

"What? No. Samantha didn't disappear. I met her and...". He cut me off.

"He was married before Samantha". He explained. "She disappeared and he managed to make it seem like she never existed in his life". He paused. "I didn't even know it was possible to do that". He sighed. "And that was ten years ago". He finished making Mike almost choke himself with his food.

Oh my god. I could feel my eyes watering. I still can't believe everything He was telling me. So this is how He really was. The perfect gentleman was just a mask. Oh god.

"What kind of other crimes did my father find?". I asked. Greg looked hesitant. "Tell me".

"Murder". He said waiting for my reaction. But I was frozen. Murder? Of who?

"Of who?". I asked as more tears dropped down my cheek.

"His second wife's boyfriend". My heart dropped.

"But did you find evidences for that too". I asked my voice shaking. He nodded. Oh my god. I want to be with my parents now. I miss them and I need Miranda.

"Can we go home now?". I asked whipping my tears. He nodded and I walked out of the kitchen to pack.

**Greg's POV**

"That guy is definitly a psycho". Mike sighed. "So is she free from him now?". He sighed and I shrugged.

"She can get the divorce. But who knows what He has in mind". I ran a hand through my hair. "I knew he was hiding something. But I never thought it would be this bad".

"Who gave the documents to Sarah's father anyways?". He asked eating like nothing happened. I will never understand my friend.

"Joseph didn't want to tell me". I said. "But who ever he is, he saved my Sarah". I said thoughtful. Mike smirked.

"Your Sarah, unh?". He smirked widened.

"What are You talking about?". I glared at him.

"Why are You denying the evidence?". He laughed putting the plates in the sink.

"I'm not denying anything. Fuck you". I said getting annoyed.

"You know, my friend. Love has three stages. The first is denial, the second is true love, and the last is till death do us part". He smiled making me want to straggle him.

"Yeah and I'm a unicorn". I sighed. "Idiot". I got making my way out of the kitchen.

"Greg and Sarah sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-". I cut him off by closing the door as I heard him laugh. Fucking Idiot.

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