Part 1

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Artys's Pov, 

Taking a deep breath as we ride into the shit smelling city I do not really know how to feel...... how can I feel? My father he is dead, he was a older man but I thought we would have more time together. More time for him to learn me things, he's been Hand of The King for almost as long as I've been alive. 

I've spent many years in King's Landing learning from him and others.... it's where I've met Jace until I became of Age and I was ready to lead over the Vale while my father was still hand of the King. 

This is the place where I became a knight after I've won from Jaime Lannister in the Tourney for Joffrey's name day. The laughter and the cheers of the king that day still makes a small smile appear on my face, I became the youngest knight in history that day. Jaime Lannister was also 15 when he was knighted but I was a couple months younger than he was at that time, Daemon Blackfyre was 12 but he won a squire tourney.... I do not say that is less important but well it's different. 

It's been almost 2 years since I've left King's Landing and I've 'ruled' The Vale has been doing well but now that he's gone it will all come down to me..... I can not write him about advise he may be able to give me. Now I am Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East and all those things. 

Many wish for their fathers to be taken by the Stranger early so they can become Lord, I wanted to become Lord and all those things, but I also wished me and him had more time together. My mother died in the childbed when he was fighting Robert's Rebelion he returned to not have a wife anymore but a son...... an heir. My father loved me and thought me so many things, got me the best teachers he could find if it was in archery, sword, or even lance. I've even sometimes where able to train with Jaime Lannister and Ser Barristan Selmy like how many can speak of that! 

He remarried after my mother passed to Lysa Tully.... I never liked her and she never liked me, and it only became worse when she gave birth to Robin I think in a way she believes he should have been my father's heir but the boy is sickly and I don't know she spoils him way too much... like it still drinks her milk! He's 8! And he just thinks his word is law in a way? 

Seeing the The Red Keep come into view I ride Mist over to it, I have no desire to settle in or anything like that I wish to pay my respects to my father. After that maybe drown myself in a good deep cup. 

"Are you alright, My Lord?" Jace asks and I give him a small nod. "Death is a part of life my father always said, One day the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new Lord of The Vale." I say as I remember his words before stopping Mist and dismounting her. 

"I just hoped the sun would not have set on his time yet for many years." I say as Jace looks at me with a small frown. "Get the men settled in I will find you later." I add and he gives me a small bow of his head. 

"My Lord." He says and with that they start to ride away while I make my way up the steps while ignoring the many eyes on me right now. After I've finished my business here in King's Landing I will ride for Highgarden, my father and Mace Tyrell often spoke of me and Margaery Tyrrell wedding now that he is gone I send word to Mace saying I wish to meet her and speak if we can turn talk about marriage into a marriage..... I am off age and so is she. Now that I am Lord of the Eyrie I have to wed, it's not something I can talk about as if it's far away in the future..... every man of this age likes to have pleasure, but I will be faithful to my wife if that will be Margaery Tyrell or another.... this way two Great Houses will be bound together. 

If not well Ned Stark holds a daughter who is a few years younger than I am? I wish to wed a Lady of one of the Great Houses it will bound two by blood and vows..... my father always said peace will never last, even if it's 10 years, 100 years or even a thousand it's in the nature of men to fight..... to wish things they have to take or they will not have it. Aegon The Conqueror held no claim to Westeros and he took it.... he was able to take it and he did. 

The Iron Throne was not Robert's and yet he took it and when he passes his Cruel Son will rule..... I grew up here and I've seen what that boy is able off he cut his brother's cat open and dragged the undeformed kitten around, he would get these stray dogs and cats and just butcher them.... he would torment his sister and brother. He is even less fit to ruil than Robert is...... my father loved Robert, but I think we can all agree that the man is or was a great fighter but not the best King. 

Walking into the Throne Room I take a deep breath as I see my father laying there and I slowly walk over to him while every step feels further and every step that I take feels like I'm walking further and further away from him and the life I once had. 

I've heard he became sick and after that it happened fast...... I just wish I could have been here or that I could have spoken to him one more time. 

"I will do what will be needed, I will look out for our people..... for all the people of Westeros just like you did, Honor above All but not everyone will have the same Honor. What if some might think my actions are not Honorable? What if I chose another way that you might have did? You always told me that the battle between the mind and the heart can be the hardest one to fight...... that your mind back than told you to not risk a war with Aerys Targaryen but your heart spoke another way...... I just hope that if you can look down on me that you'll be able to say with proudness that I am your son." I softly say as I reach him and look at his face. 

He looks like the man I know but he's not here anymore, The Stranger took him just like he took my mother all those years ago when she put me on this world. 

"He was like a father to me." I hear a deep voice sigh out making me direct my eyes away from my father's body before setteling them on Robbert Baratheon. 

"Your grace." I say with a small bow. "None of that nonsense Artys, your father was a good man this world needs more men like him." He says and I give him a nod. 

"He was a great man, I hope I can be like him." I softly say and the King releases a laugh. "You'll never be like your father." He says and wow oke!  

"You'll be better than he was, I see it in your eyes. Fierceness, Kindness, Strengt, and many more things..... things a wise Lord will need..... things I wish I had and my son had." He speaks as he grabs two cups of wine and hands me one. 

"You've kept the realms at peac-" 

"Your father kept peace while I drank and whored around....... now I need a new hand, your young Artys too young, Tywin is well let's not talk about him who would you think I should take as hand?" He asks me before taking a sip of his cup.

Robert would only listen to man he trusts and respects and those who do not dare to speak their minds to a kign..... Renly? No to much ass kissing. Stannis? I think Robert would rather drown himself. 

"You already have one in mind your grace and I think he will be best suited." I say before taking a sip myself from the wine and he releases a laugh. "See! Your father taught you well, I will ride for Winterfell soon. I would have wished if you would go with me like the old days when your father let you hunt with me..... but you're not a boy anymore.... you are a lord now. Lord Artys Arryn, Lord of The Eyrie, Warden of The East." He says as he pats my shoulder with one hand. 

"I am but that won't mean I didn't wish he would have stayed a little longer." I breathe out as I let my eyes direct towards my father again. 

"I know we all did, now come on we can drink and talk about your father and your travel here." 

Author's Note, 

I'm like spoiling you alllllllll way to much! So vote and comment like leave what you think will happen in the book behind! I always love to read them. 

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