Part 48,

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Artys's Pov, 

Reaching the large clearing my eyes soon snap up as I see indeed the falcons and Dragons fighting! "Hey!" I yell at the top of my lungs, and it seems to get the attention of the falcons as they start to descent before the large Black and Red Dragon tries to bite one of them and it quickly moves out of the way before drawing blood from the Dragon as it's talons move over its chest making the dragon roar in anger. 

Letting my eyes follow or more like try to follow the beasts in the sky I don't even know how to defuse this situation! If I yell for the Falcon's to stop the dragons go after them! "

"All of you enough!" I yell and my voice booms through the open snow covered place and it makes the falcons dive down before they land around me and soon I see the dragons follow making me take a step forward as I come face to face with the black one who roars at me and it makes me almost move back from the force as it's teeth are the size of daggers and only a couple feet away from my face. 

"Many may be scared of you, I am not one of them." I lowly say as my eyes meet the red ones of the dragon as his brother's land behind him and also roar or screech at me and the falcons who now scream back at the dragons as I hear their wings flap behind me. 

"What's going on?!" The voice of Daenerys yells as I hear her run through the snow in our direction. "They were fighting, keep them in check." I state as I turn around and walk over to one of the falcons that has blood on its body. 

"It's alright, just let me look." I say as I pet it's beak before slowly moving to squad down, moving my finger through it's feathers I see the wound from most likely one of the dragons claws. "He's bleeding!" She says and it makes me slowly turn to see her standing next to the black dragons neck.

"And so is..... she?" I say making the falcon chipper as I stand up again. "Keep those.... those things under control!" She bites my way and I raise my brow. 

"Me? When I told them to stop they stopped until that went for the attack again." I bite back as I point at the dragon beside her. "His name is Drogon, and they practically clawed his neck open!" She bites back and I release a scoff. 

"Not like she's not bleeding after tone of them put their claws in her!" 

Tyrion's Pov, 

Standing in the snow about 50 yards away from the newlywed couple we can feel the tension over here as they are going back and forward about who's to blame for that the Dragons and Falcons attacked one another. 

"They may have been perfect on paper but in reality, it's far from it." I state as I shake my head. "He loves another." Lord Varys says and I turn towards him with a raised brow. "He loves another?" 

"Indeed, he does, but beside that he feels like she doesn't belong here. And she feels that she does........... they are doing what is best for the real, duty above love." He says and I can't stop the chuckle that leaves my lips as Artys marches one way with the falcons flying overhead and Daenerys marches the other way with the Dragons following behind her. 

"And now they each march away from the other to the beat of their own drum, one who wishes to sit upon her father's throne a man who was in the end usurped by four Kingdom's and the other who wishes to honor the words of a man he loved like a father." I say as I turn around and start to walk back towards Winterfell. 


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