Part 6

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Artys's Pov, 

The Next Day. 

"My lord! Lady Margaery with her family are arriving." Jace yells as he runs over to me and I quickly start to walk after him. "And why did no one say this to me!" I say and he shrugs his shoulders as we increase our pace. 

"I-I forgot my lord." He says and this boy is making me one day rip my head off! "You forgot?! You forgot to tell me my betrothed is arriving with her family?!" I say and he turns his head to look at me. 

"I am sorry, my lord. A mistake." 

"You're lucky I'm fond of you Jace because any other fool would have sent you away already." I say as we continue to walk towards the High Hall. "I am very lucky, My Lord." He says as we walk into the High Hall and I wished I was still quicker here than they would have been but I am not. 

"Please forgive me, it seems like some forgot to tell me you were all arriving. I hope your journey here went alright?" I ask as I walk over to the group of people. "Depends is you think having a carriage ride up a long and narrow path that it barely fits on alright." Lady Olenna says and she does have a point. 

"But we got here in one piece did we not child." She continues as she looks towards Margaery. "Indeed, grandmother but the journey was beautiful as is the Vale." Margaery says with a smile as she looks at me and I soon join her in it. 

"If you uhm wish after I made sure your family have everything, they need I can show you around." I offer her kindly as well soon this will be her home I wish for her to enjoy it here, one day uhm well our children will grow up here. 

"Ow you two go and have fun....... we've already been kindly recieved," Lady Olenna says as she practically pushes Margaery in my direction. "Are you sure, I do not mind t-" 

"I am sure now go both of you." She says as she practically shoos the two of us away. "Well My lady would you wish for me to show you around." I say as I hold my arm out for Margaery. 

"I would love that, My Lord." 


Robert Baratheon's Pov, 

"I will not let you... let you take my son away from me!" 

"It has already been done, now I will hear no more of it!" I say back before she marches out of the chamber and I think slams the door out of it while I turn towards the window and look out of it, I've not spoken to Artys yet about Tommen becoming his ward but I think it would be great for the boy. 

Could strengthen bonds..... Tommen loves Artys like an older brother and so does Artys with Tommen. I've never looked to my own children, I never could sometimes I feel like they aren't even mine. Not just the blonde hair but just how they are...... Artys holds blonde hair and blue eyes. But he's more of a man any of us where at that age. I don't have fond memories with my children, but I do hold them with that boy. 

Overlooking the courtyard as rain plunges down on it I soon let the sound of wood hitting wood fill my ears. I never wished to become King and yet here I am Robert Baratheon King of the Seven Kingdom's. I have a wife and a son and yet I wished I could take Ned, Take Jon Arryn and we could go away from all of this. 

Seeing Artys come into view as he strikes his wooden sword over and over again against the dummy I can't stop the small smile that grows on my face as I start to walk towards the courtyard. He's a good lad, eager to learn, he's kind and social but when provoked he does not fear to strike first.

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