Part 8.

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Artys's Pov, 
Some Day's Later. 

Sitting with Tommen in the garden I take a deep breathe.... I think it's better that I tell him that he will stay here.... I think if Robert will do it well it won't really be a conversation but more a order.... and I think Cersei will not let the boy go. 

"You know your father used to live here years ago." 

"With Ned Stark as your fathers wards right?" He says and I nod my head. "Indeed, your father and Ned Stark where the wards of my father, it made Ned and Robert see one another as brothers. And they saw my father as a second father." I say with a small smile. 

"Often times highborn children will be the ward of a Lord.... it can strenghten bonds and it can also teach the child many things. " 

"Who's ward where you?" He asks me and  I release a small chuckle. "I think your father was the closest thing I had to that, but would you want to be a Ward?" I say and he shrugs his shoulders as he looks towards the ground. 

"B-but wouldn't that mean I would have to leave King's Landing, I can't see mother anymore or Myrcella...... I'll be all alone." He softly says and I shake my head. "You won't be alone, also think of the things you will learn. sword fighting, hunting, hawking, horse-riding like a knight." 

"Also the bow?" He asks and I nod my head. "And the bow, I've been asked to take you as my Ward so that would mean you will live here with me." I say with a soft smile as I look at him. "So I won't be alone?" 

"No, you'll be here with me, and you'll be taught how to fight, and we can go hunting and horse riding together." I say and soon his frown turns into small smile as the corner of his lips move upwards.  

"And we can visit King's Landing from time to time." 

"I-I think I want to be your Ward." He says as he wraps his arms around me and I briefly hug him back. "Then why don't we go tell your father?" I ask him and he nods his head as he pulls apart. "Alright." 


Walking into the hall where some others are enjoying supper I give my wife a small smile, her family are still here. And so is the King and his company but they will all soon be riding out again. 

As we reach Robert Tommen looks to me and I give him a small nod. "Me and Lord Artys have spoken and I would love to stay here and be his ward, Your grace." Tommen says making a smile form on my lips as Robert turns towards us and I think his wife is ready to spew fire like a dragon at this moment in my direction. 

"Has he now, and why would you like that?" 

"He said it strengthens bonds and it made you and Lord Stark see each other as brothers I would like that with Lord Artys, also I think he would be able to teach me a lot." He speaks and Robert releases some laughter. 

"Wait you don't speak of this! What of Ro-" 

"Mind your tongue if you wish to discuss something we can do that in private not in front of our guests Lady Lysa." I say as I'm quick to cut the woman off who's feeding the thing around her tit called Robin. 

"Come on Robin." She says as she holds the boy up and walks out of the hall while I shake my head. "So, you're staying here..... sad. I will miss you." Joffrey says with a almost sickening smile on his lips as he looks at Tommen well, he won't be able to torment the boy anymore so that's good. 

"How can he even foster when he himself is so you-" 

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