Part 21

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Weeks Later, 

Looking at the city in front of me I let my eyes move over the walls we've been here for weeks and I don't know anymore..... she's gone, my son is gone, Robb is gone and the Northern army got slaughtered or the few that remained flew back North.... Roose Bolton is now Lord of Winterfell...... Walder Frey Lord Parmount of the Trident.

The army of the Reach are still fighting the Dornish south and I wish I could walk into the sea and drown myself..... I wish I could take my sword and end it...... I wish I could curse the men who put me in this mess.... I wish I could hold them again and yet I can't do any of those things. 

If I run away now.... if I run back with my tail between my legs it will have been for nothing.... than my wife and my son would have died for nothing, I'm not letting him get away from this..... Roose Bolton and the Frey's are the ones who held the sword but Tywin Lannister is the one who placed them in their hands. 

I will have my revenge... I will have justice for my wife.... for my son. Their names will die down and in years no one will have ever heard of House Lannister, House Frey or House Bolton. Almost 7,500 men of the Vale where slaughtered those who swore to protect her and our son where butchered and I don't know what do to anymore if I could storm into the city right now I would, and the Red Keep would bleed red with Lannister Blood. 

A son for a son.... it's not enough it will never be enough, he can never have peace. He was able to hold his son for more than 30 years, he was able to love him and teach him for all those years and yet I wasn't even able to see my son for 4 weeks..... I wasn't even able to see him take his first steps, to teach him how to wield a sword, how to read, I couldn't be there to kiss him goodnight, I couldn't see him become a man because of Tywin's orders. 

Jaime was found by my scouts and now his head is smashed in.... not only for the crimes of his father but those of himself. 

"I'm sorry." 

"For what?" I ask Tommen as my eyes are fixated on the city while the boy has walked next to me. "F-for what they did, I-I didn't think they....... Margaery and Jon didn't.... you have to know I never wished for this Artys." He nervously stutters out and I nod my head. 

"My anger lays not with you Tommen. My anger lays with those who orchestrated this whole plan..... the ones who shoved their blades into my wife.... the ones who stabbed my son to dead before throwing his body into the river." I say with a shake of my head and a scoff. 

"T-they deserved better Artys....... a-and I'm sorry for the actions of m-my family." He nervously says with shame before walking away from me again. I couldn't harm Tommen and I won't.... he never did anything wrong he's a child dragged into this.  

A child and yet mine... mine was murdered. Jaime was taken by the scouts and I killed him out of anger? Revenge? Grief.... all of those things and yet Jaime was no innocent man. He broke his vows more than once..... he fathered children.... he's done so many dishonorable things he didn't deserve an honorable dead. He told Lady Stark that he pushed her son..... her young son out of that tower because Bran most likely caught him fucking his sister. 

And still Jaime got to see his children grow up at court, he was able to be with Cersei for many years.... something that was taken from me and Margaery. Something that was taken from me and Jon.

H-how can I go on knowing I failed them........ how can I look her father, brother and grandmother in the eye? How can I live with myself? I failed them..... I couldn't protect the two of them and now I-I will forever have to live with that.... that guilt, the feeling of falling.... of knowing my son and wife are dead because I couldn't protect them.  

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