Part 39

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Artys's Pov, 

To say she isn't beautiful is a lie, she holds the Targaryen features and she is beautiful. The falcon flew next to the window so I hopped in, not like her or Tyrion's plan would have been a good one anyway. 

"So you summoned me here for what?" I ask her with a raised brow. "For you to bend the kn-" 

"If you think I'm going to bend the knee to you than your wrong and I will leave right now, my army can match yours in numbers. Sure you have your dragons but that can also be arranged, if you wish to turn this into a bloody war say the word and we will." 


"I'm not done speaking Tyrion so mind your tongue, Varys and Tyrion would have told you by now that I will not bend the knee and yet you invited me.... I know why I'm here and I will accept your offer... .if." I continue after cutting Tyrion off. 


"You march your armies North and your dragons." I simply say as I look at the woman oppiste me. "North? Why would we have to march north?" Tyrion asks me and I take a deep breath. "That are my terms I will marry you once the war is over and we will rule together but only if you fight the coming war with me in the North. I'll give you to nightfall to think about it, if not I'll fly out again." I say as I walk back over to the set of windows and release a whistle. 


"You think you're the only one why can take flight?" I say as I look over my shoulder before jumping out of the window and landing on one of the falcon's backs as it cries before flying away from the stronghold. 

Daenerys's Pov, 

Walking towards the window quickly where Artys just jumped out of with the others I soon have to stop my eyes from widening by the 9? 10? giant white Falcons flying through the sky as one of them carries Artys. 

"Did he always have those, and you didn't think it was something you should  have told me?!" I say towards Tyrion and Varys with shock. "No he did not. Your Grace." Lord Varys speaks and I release a sigh they look as big as when I first took flight on Drogon 

"It reminds me of The legend of the Winged Knight it is one of the most ancient and revered tales in the Vale. It tells of how Artys Arryn, the first King of Mountain and Vale, flew on the back of a giant falcon and led a host of them to vanquish the Griffin King, the last of the First Men kings who ruled the Vale. The battle took place on the top of the Giant's Lance, where the Eyrie now stands. There, Artys Arryn plunged his sword into the Griffin King's heart and claimed the Vale as his own. He then took the Griffin King's crown and wore it as a symbol of his victory and authority. He became known as the Winged Knight, and his descendants have ruled the Vale ever since." Tyrion speaks and I let a small frow settle on my face as I turn to look at him. 

"And now they call him the Winged King because he shares the same names and flies those beasts." 

"It looks like he became a more special man through the years, and he knew why you invited him here. Your grace." Lord Varys speaks and indeed Artys did...... and now it's my turn to give him an answer. 

"He has become more than he was before. More ruthless, more icy, more relentless, more cunning, more commanding, and more formidable in every way. He has forged himself in the fires of war and politics, and emerged as a different kind of leader. He has left behind the traces of his old self, the one who was softer, warmer, gentler, more forgiving, more naive. He has learned to survive and thrive in a world that is cruel and unforgiving. He has become a force to be reckoned with." Tyrion says with a mix of admiration and fear.

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