Part 3

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Artys's Pov, 

3 Weeks' Later. 

"Wow!" Jace says with wide eyes as we see Highgarden in the distance, and truth be told it's beautiful...... even the journey here is a nice one Highgarden has these fields with roses and it's nice. The Vale is like mountains and hills also beautiful but different. 

I've seen King's Landing and the Vale my father never saw the need for me to be a Ward of a lord, I've seen many lords and ladies at court. And I learned a bit from them all I think? I learned what kind of people they are or well I like to believe. 

But I think when your a Ward for a long time you can become like a person? Like if I send Robin to Tywin he can influence him, I'm not saying becoming a Ward is bad I'm just happy my father didn't do it......... I could become my own man? Or some would still say boy. 

I was able to go hunting many times with Robert who I don't know like Cersei said he saw me maybe more as a son? It's true the man would rather have me around than his own children.... which Tommen and Myrcella did not deserve. But I was also able to train with his King's Guard like Jaime Lannister and Ser Barristan Selmy! Robert himself picked up a sword against me....  I have fond memories of the man in a way I was his Ward? 

I remember this day.... I remember it like it was yesterday. 

"My father is King and one day I will be king after him...... I can do what I want!" Joffrey yells as he tries to hit his little sister and I step forward and trow a hard punch against his face making the blonde boy fall towards the ground with wide eyes before tears start to well in them. 

"Pick someone of your own size! She did nothing wrong!" I yell his way as I push Myrcella behind me. "G-guards! Guards!" Joffrey now yells at the top of his lungs making soon the door open as some guards make their way into the room. 

"Take Artys Arryn!" 

"I said arrest him now! He hit your prince!" He continues to yell as his face turns as red as the blood that drips down his lips. "What is going on here!" King Robert yells as he marches into the room with my father. 

"He struck me! He hit a prince!" Joffrey yells as he points at me. "You should speak the truth!" I bite back before I hear the voice of Robert. 

"Enough both of you! Now Artys speak." Robert says and I see Joffrey's face fall. "I was walking by as I was done with my training with Ser Barristan, and I heard Princess Myrcella yell for him to stop..... I wished to help her and when I saw Prince Joffrey get ready to strike here I uhm punched him.... I am sorry Your grace." I say as I hold my head high. 

"Are you truly sorry, and don't lie to me boy!" 

"No, he should not pick on those who are not as strong and may have trouble defending themselves." I answer and I see a smile form on the King's lips. "I could have your hand for that." He says and I nod my head. 

"If the king wishes to take my hand for defending someone who needed it even from a prince *Sticks hand out * Than he should." I say and before I know it I'm being picked up by the large man. 

"You boy! You will one day be a fine lord! Strong and just..... me and you we will go train in the courtyard make sure you become a strong one." He says to me as he holds me up and I release some giggles. 

"And you.... out of my eyes and if I see you try to harm your sister again. You'll never leave your chambers again. Now go!" He says with no emotion towards Joffrey who makes his way out of the room. 

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