Part 30

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Artys's Pov, 

As the soldiers are opening the gate soon the Frey soldiers start to realize what's happening but it's too late as my men start to run into the now open gate and the fight around me breaks lose in the darkness of the night. 

I dodge the blade of a Frey soldier and thrust my own into his stomach, making him groan in pain before I withdraw it and press on through the fighting. The sounds of steel meeting sleet rings in my ears and the scent of blood fills my nostrils and stains my armor crimson as I slay every foe that crosses my way. This is the night of reckoning, the night of vengeance.

Hearing a grunt behind me I turn around with my sword raises only to see a Frey soldier with a sword in his throat and Jace behind him. "Stupid fucker." He says as he withdraws his blade and I shake my head. 

"Saved your king, remind me to knight you after I've dealt with Walder Frey." I say as we walk forward, and I see the biggest smile ever form on the boys face as he doesn't pay enough attention and I swing for the man's head that was going for Jace and well the soldier's head now flies away from us. "And don't lose your head Jace." 

"You waited seven years to offer me a knighthood?" He mocks me as he parries a blow and slays the Frey soldier. We have them outnumbered, and victory is near. "You are a man now, a man who saved his king's life." I praise him with a grin. "You would have been able to handle it I've seen you fight many of times you would have struck him before he could even touch you, your grace." He replies modestly.

"Are you saying you don't want to be a knight?" I tease him, seeing his eyes widen in surprise. "No, no, of course I do, your grace." He stammers, then quickly returns his focus to the battle.

I watch with satisfaction as the final group of Frey men scramble onto the bridge, hoping to escape the carnage behind them. Little do they know that they have fallen into a trap. Ser Vardis and his men have already crossed the bridge from the other side, blocking their way. The Frey's are trapped like rats on the narrow span, with nowhere to run and no mercy to expect.

"You thought you could slaughter Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, our loyal lords and brave warriors and get away with it, but you were wrong. You also took part in murdering my beloved wife and my newborn son, and for that you will pay with blood. Your Lord and every man of his kin and age will share your doom. This is only the beginning of my revenge." I declare as I spread my arms and let the soldiers rush past me to finish off the last of the Frey men.


Walking into the hall with Ser Barristan and Jace on either side, I see the Frey son's, grandson's and daughters there while Lord Walder Frey sits almost smugly in his chair. "King Artys Arryn I missed you on the last wedding." He says with a hint of a grin and it makes my eyes harden. "But your wife ow how beautiful she was." He adds and I pull my sword out of it's sheet again as I start to walk closer and closer towards him with anger just pure anger. 

"Or well before we had to pry the child from her arms, how she tried to save the boy. In the end you couldn't save them, any of them." 

"You have sown the seeds of your own destruction, Lord Frey. Your line will end with you, and your name will be forgotten in history. Hear the cries of your sons and grandsons, as they fall by the swords of my men. You have betrayed me, and now you pay the price." I say as his male heirs that are of age are being killed by my soldiers right now as their bodies are throws onto the ground while the man in front of me looks unfazed. 

"So you killed my sons and my grandsons, and yet my line lives. You want to know why?  Because your to honorable for war, you can't kill the little ones and so my name will live on, my blood will live on. Unlike that of your sweet little Jon, ow how he cried for his mother, ow how his mother cried for him I was glad when they both where quiet and we threw them into the ri-" He says smugly as he rises from his seat and before he can finish his sentence, I shove my sword through the man's chest as he falls back into his chair. 

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