Part 34

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Artys's Pov, 

The Next Morning. 

Riding towards the front of the line I take a deep breath as I hear Rigle flies overhead. Reaching the front I see the Giant Wun-Wun with Tormund next to him and on the other side, Jace, Jon and Ser Davos. 

Reaching the front I see the burning flayed men with the larger army opposite us, this is it..... after today House Stark will rule in the North again, Winterfell will go back to those who's home it is.

Seeing a black horse move forward on the other side as Ramsay sits on top of it I knew what Sansa meant the second I see him pulling a rope forward what I think holds Rickon Stark on the end of it. 

"Whatever happens, no one will move forward untill I say so." I say as I slightly nudge Mist forward. "That's my bro-" 

"I know, just trust me." I say as I look briefly at him before letting my eyes move back towards the other side of the battle field. Seeing Ramsay walk forward with Rickon, Jon dismounts his horse and walks forward while I let my eyes follow every movement Ramsay makes as he pulls a dagger from his back. 

"No matter what happens no man moves a muscle until I say so." I once again now louder say as I see him cut the rope before Rickon starts to walk forward while I let Mist troth up and down the line in front of the trench.  This is his trap he hopes that if he kills Rickon he'll draw Jon and me out. 

"Ride Mist!" I say as I send the mare into a gallop towards the other side of the battlefield once I see Ramsay take the bow in his hand and reading a arrow as Rickon now starts to run in my direction. 

"Come on." I say as I nudge her faster and faster as Ramsay is missing the boy barely.... he's playing. He can hit him, but he wants to give the others hope.... hope that I can get him. 

"Ringle! Distract him!" I yell towards the Falcon that loudly cries before I see her fly towards the Bolton army.  "Zig zag you bloody idiot!" I yell towards the boy! Did no one tell him to zig zag when someone tries to shoot you down with fucking arrows! 

The closer and closer I get to the running boy I have to keep my nerves at bay as I stick my hand out for Rickon to take so I can pull him in front of me. 

Reaching Rickon I grab his arm and pull him over Mist in front of me while I hear some pained screams making my eyes snap towards Ramsay as Ringle is attacking him right now. 

Hurry up!" I shout as I drag Rickon along and spur my horse to run back to the friendly soldiers who are cheering for me. I keep the boy pressed down with one arm and the other holds the reins. "Go faster, Mist." I urge her as I try to make her run as fast as she can before I feel a sudden pain in my body and it makes me drop the reins and Rickon as I tumble off her and she keeps running towards the line with Rickon barely hanging over her. 

As I feel a sharp sting in my back as I fall to the ground, face down. I grit my teeth and force myself to get up, grabbing the arrow that pierced through my armor and yanking it out. I toss it aside, blood dripping from the wound. It's not fatal, but it hurts like hell. The metal plate saved me from a worse fate, but it couldn't stop the arrow from digging into my flesh.

I swing Roberts War Hammer over my head and glare at Ramsay and his men, who keep shooting arrows at me. Only two of them manage to pierce my armor and draw blood. "You call this a fight, Bastard?" I taunt him, hoping to provoke him into a mistake.

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