Part 51

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Artys's Pov, 
The Next Day, 

I wasn't able to return to my chambers, because I knew I was not going to sleep. Sam's words they may be true, they may not be true but if they are true and Jon Snow is Rhaegar Targaryen's Bastard I don't want to find out if it would change anything. So I've been standing here in the cold, in the snow on the wall just overlooking the torched lit up camp. The cold wind has been moving through the air even colder than letting me know that the Night King is coming closer and closer. 

Tyrion asked me why I didn't try to get the Lannister army on my side for this war yesterday but that would have been the most foolish thing ever, Cersei and Joffrey would give us maybe their word and than never send the army North. I was not even going to waste my time on it, we have to do it with the men we have. 

Sansa's Pov,

"The moment we can get the last infantryman out onto the field, we should shut the gates." Lord Royce speaks as we sit in the library together. "Keep them open for as long as you can. There are still people coming in from the countryside." I say before I see Daenerys walk in making us both stand up as I place my hands behind my back. 

"Lady Sansa, I was hoping we could speak alone." She says and I would rather not but I give Lord Royce a small nod making him give me a bow of his head before he walks towards her and does the same. Seeing her look after him as he walks out of the library she soon turns towards me with that fake sweet smile of hers. 

"I feel like I should come and see you." She says and she didn't have to, would have rather that she stayed as far away from me as possible. "It must be nice to feel like your home again after being away from it so long." Daenerys adds and I nod my head.

"It is good to be home, with my family again or at least what remains of them." I speak simply as she steps closer to me. "But families are complicated, and the years haven't been kind on many of us." I add and I see her face twist for a second before she puts the fake smile up again. 

"Ours certainly have been." 

"A sad thing to have in common." She says as she sits down and I soon take a seat in my chair again. "We have other things in common. We've both known what it means to lead people who aren't inclined to accept a woman's rule. And we've both done a damn good job of it, from what I can tell." She says and I give her a uneasy smile in return, I don't trust this woman not just because she's now wed to Artys but she just has this darkness over her. 

"And yet, I can't help but feel we're at odds with one another. Why is that? Artys?" She adds making me follow up. "He's wed to you, there's nothing more to it." 

"That bothers you." She says now without the smile on her face. "Men do stupid things for women. They're easily manipulated. Artys isn't one of them, he does what's best for his people." I state and you can see the anger start to rise within her. 

"All my life, I've known one goal: the Iron Throne. Taking it back from the people who destroyed my family, and almost destroyed yours. My war was against them. Until I met Artys. Now I'm here, half a world away, fighting Artys's war alongside him. Tell me, who manipulated whom?" She says and I release a small scoff. 

"You fight for the Iron Throne, Artys fights for the people he could have taken King's Landing a dozen of times and yet he avenged the Red Wedding, he stood and fought for Winterfell. He wed you not for the Iron Throne but so that we all will survive. You accepted because the Lords and Ladies of Westeros hearts beat for him more than they will ever for you." I state as I stand up again and her eyes harden as she is also quick to rise. 

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