Part 15

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

Seeing the Stark camp come into view I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I didn't know he would show up here like what if he didn't wish to bend the knee for me? Sending ravens around these times is asking for them to be shot out of the sky by any of the sides...... sending Rigle is asking for him to be shot at.... many know of the White Falcon I hold and he stands out too much. 

Riding Mist towards the tents as we enter the camp I soon see Lady Stark get out of a tent with some others and a boy maybe 2 years younger than me, I guess that's her son Robb. I've heard the news...... I know what has happened. 

Dismounting Mist I walk more towards Lady Stark. "My Lady." I say with a small bow I don't even know what to say to them, her husband the father of her children died because he sided with me.... because he spoke Robert's words and his head was taken because of it. 

"Your grace. We've heard of your victory on the Green Fork." She says with her own bow and I release a deep breath. "And we've heard of yours at River Run...... but I'm sorry for your loss for both of your losses Lord Eddard was a good and honorable man.... this end is not what he deserved." I say as I look between her and Robb. 

"We should disgust a plan... your grace." Robb says and I nod my head before I follow after him into his tent, looking at the map and the pieces on it I take one of the lions. "He retreated to Harrenhall." I say as I put what I believe was Tywin's piece to Harrenhall. 

"The remains of Jaime's army have gone back to the Golden tooth." Robb says as he pushes the piece in its direction while I take the Falcon ones and place them next to the Wolves. "Stannis and Renly have both picked up arms.... now I will send Mace with the Tyrell Army to Felwood  where the Storm landers will try to march for towards King's Landing. Stannis is a worry for later.... because from what I've heard he holds less than 5,000 men. Now the Stormlands hold about 5 times those numbers if we let Renly run around while Mace will go for Tywin than he can take King's Landing. " I say as Ser Barristan hands me the pieces and I place them down on the large map. 

"Now I wish for you and your men to go after Jaime's army and free whatever they took here in the Riverlands..... we will go south more and release the river lords before we both meet again at the Stoney Sept." I say as I point at it. 

"That way the Lannister's are pushed out of the Riverlands and you get their loyalty." He says and I nod my head. "It would be welcomed by the time I will expect that Mace Tyrell has dealt with Renly and he can march North." I say. "So that if Tywin is still running he'll be trapped." He adds and I nod my head. "He'll either retreat to King's Landing or back into the Westerlands but he'll most likely take what remains of his army to King's Landing." I say as I run my hand through my hair. 

"We took Jaime captive." He says and I raise my brow as I look at him. "You took Jaime Lannister?" I ask with a amused smile and he nods his head. "Indeed, we did." 

"I think it's time for me to say hi to him." 


Walking towards the wooden pole Jaime is chained up to I soon see his head turn in my direction. "Ow Artys Arryn! Or should I say King Artys now!" He loudly says with some sarcasm, and I squad down as I look him over. 

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